Chapter 20

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Author's log

I started this at the time I post the last chapter 3/25/16, holy is almost over and I am the least bit excited about the horrors of college.

Kiara's POV

My eyes flustered open as dream world escapes. I shook my head disappointedly and sat up, the dream rushed in like a memory causing me to cover my face with my hands as a blush flowed by. So stupid... I thought, the dream felt so real... I imagined her lips were so soft and so succulent, it was ambrosia. My left hand unconsciously touched my lips and I swore it still felt swollen. My eyes finally roamed the room and realized....

It was not my room...

My eyes widen as I saw no familiar part in the room that was close to mine. I was about to scream when the door to my left opened and revealed the dressed up beauty that is Aralri. Her black hair was tied in a messy bun while her battle jacket was still unzipped and wearing no underpants other than her black floral panties. I must have stared for too long for she was already in front of me noticing the distress in my eyes, she was kneeling on the floor whilst her hand caressed my own "Is there something wrong Kiara?" She said lovingly... My head was in shambles and finally got to the main question swirling around my head.

I quickly stood up, accidentally pushed her away making her land on her buttocks. I rushed towards the bathroom door where she walked out from and slammed it shut. I found the mirror on the wall and immediately removed my top. I turned around and pulled my hair over my shoulder and saw it.... It was not a mere dream, my head was flooding with memories and it overwhelmed me. The scar on my shoulder blade disappeared, it was replaced by the symbol that I was all to familiar with. I slowly guided my hands over it feeling it etched on my skin. Tears formed on my eyes but before it could spill a gently hand had reached for it and wiped it off. I faced the gentle hand and saw Aralri looking at me intently, she held a sad smile while her hands held a towel. She carefully placed the white cloth around me and covered up my bare chest. I grabbed the ends of the cloth and held it together shyly, "Do you regret your decision?" She asked out of the blue. My eyes widen and stared at her finding pain and sadness on her face. I quickly shook my head and looked down, I felt her soft fingers touch my chin and gently nudged my face and got me to look into her eyes "then why are tears being shed princess?" Her voice held no hate or demand, it just spews out love and understanding. My eyes slowly moved down towards her lips recalling our moment yesterday night. "I-I had thought for a moment that the events that transpired the day before were only my imagination and that I had not really touched those lips of yours" a blush immediately appeared after the realization of what I said. I began stuttering when a pair of lips had landed on mine once again. My eyes slowly closed and once again I indulged myself in her lush lips, our tongues moved and tangled with each other until the need for air was at its max. She pulled away breathless and said "It was not a dream, for I would ache and cry if is was" I nodded absently staring at her. She chuckled and pulled me our of her rest room "I must take you to your room, you need to fix yourself up to bid your... Fiancé farewell." She said zipping up her jacket and pulling on her pants, and while it took me a while to understand a gasp escaped my mouth and my hands quickly moved to get my top on. "It almost slipped my mind! Jarren will be leaving with the king" I exclaimed rushing towards the door but halted just as I reached for the door knob. I turned to Aralri and saw her looking down at the floor as she sat on her messy bed. I frown made its ways on my face and I walked towards the unresponsive human. I kneeled down just like what she did before to me and placed my hand on her knees in comfort "I told you that I would give this a chance right?" I said

She nodded slowly and intertwined her right hand with my left "You are in a relationship Kiara... I know I said to give this a shot but this burden that you will carry is going to be hard on you. I do not want to cause you that amount of trouble" my heart beat faster hearing her care, but I also knew what I wanted to say "I planned on telling him that we needed time a part before he left" I said smiling, her eyes widened and stared into mine "really? B-but I-" I cut her off and said "If we do love each other, some time apart would not change anything. If we are meant to be together then it would be easier if I already did and if we are not... Then" my mind could not think of a scenario anymore. My head goes back to the engagement, however there was something in my heart that does not want to go back to that agony. I looked away and said "I will find my beloved" I saw her smile and nod, giving me a breath of fresh air.

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