Chapter 19

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Author's Log: The Busyness of College just surprised me like a person bursting through my room yelling "HELLO BITCH" Anyway I started this at 1/26/16 so let us see when will I finish this :')

It was the day.

It was the day that my mother would come here. Liore and the Principal were pacing back and forth moving around each other whenever their paths meet.

Liore was panicking because of her assumption that our mother will judge her of not finding her shinyuu. Our Principal's  reason was different, she wasn't panicking because of our mother, but she was nervously waiting for the people that accompanied my mother. The Zethuras, to Liore and I they were like family to us, but to everyone else they were the new rulers of the Dwarven kingdom at the south. Originally Gilly; the father was next in line throne if anything had happened to his brother. Gilly and his wife wanted no part of the throne and just wanted to live their lives normally, unfortunately when the Royal family had a reunion 5 years ago, the succubuses attacked them. Their power of seduction and allure sent most of the soldiers to their knees. Gilly almost lost his life trying to protect his brother... Unfortunately a succubus already devoured his soul. The day after they sent us to try and catch the culprits in time, however we were already too late. All that was left was the Zethuras crying as they buried their own. My mother who was there at the time got the family out but almost died trying to fight the succubuses.

They appointed Gilly as king and as a sign of gratitude towards my mother, she was brought to their schools to learn about dwarven laws and  after 4 years she saw assigned as mediator between them and the humans. My mother had experience with this because of the academy's curriculum excelled and got an early graduation. She travels with the Zethuras whilst they attend meetings and events. We are the only ones they trust, they would not allow any other mediator for them so the Principal and the President agreed to his terms. It took my mother a year for them to believe that she earned her spot and did not achieve it only because of a reward.

I know the Principal may still have concerns regarding my mother's status but I know my mother or the Zethuras would not take or offer anything in a snap. They have to earn everything before they do it.

'Aralri I sense a familiar presence' Amanikable voiced out, and that could only mean one thing. I stoop up from where I sat and tapped the two frantic women in front of me and said "Get your heads together... They are here" I looked up to the Valkyries watching the gate from the tower to flip the lever that opens the gate. I pulled Liore to the side to let the Zethuras' carriage that was being pulled by mechanical robots. Once the carriage stopped in front of us the door burst open to reveal our joyful mother as a tear fell from her left eye jumping out of the carriage and enveloping Liore and I in her arms saying "I miss you two!!!! My girls look so grown up." I felt Liore tense in my mother's arm as her head might be filled with negative assumptions and predictions. Her worries is that our mother would view her journey  disappointing and irrelevant thing for she did not find her shinyuu. Our Mother pulled away and said "How are my two daughters? Liore, how was your Journey? Was it successful?" Liore backed away disheartened and shook her head as she looked towards the ground. I know she was about to cry but before she did my mother embraced her tightly then kissed her forehead and caressed her hair pushing Liore's face on my mother's shoulder " It is alright honey..." She said motherly. Liore looked up and said in tears"Y-you are not disappointed?" My mother smiled and shook her head as she wiped Liore's tears away "of course not. I heard that it was true! Your theory is true! I am so proud of you dear"

I hugged my sister and said "I told you so" My grin spread when I felt my sister elbow me on my side. Our short playful banter was cut off when a deep voice boomed from the Carriage "Liore! Aralri! So glad you could be here at our arrival." The warm deep voice put a smile on our faces, our gratitude towards that voice could not be expressed by a mere hug or a gesture of thanks. That voice also resonated the feeling of family in our hearts that had been buried inside my sister and I for quite some time. We turned back to the carriage and greeted Gilly Zethura: the King of the East Dwarven Kingdom as him and his wife Yolda walked down from the stairs of the carriage. His Silver armor shimmered slightly under the sun whilst Yolda's dress looks flawless with the dwarven design patterned across the dress.

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