Chapter 3

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Darkness surrounded my path to my next destination. The only source of light I had was twinkling stars but the trees had hid them from my view.

The day before I left the little village the Thane told me to head to the dwarven city up north called Shield. The people there took pride in their creation of defenses. So far no one had infultrated them. Their king was might and gentle but once angered turns into one of the most ferocious leaders alive.

Dwarves loved him and his rein was 20 years and counting. His side with the war was always at peace, but he never sent out his defenses to help. His people were his treasure and would not let his kind get murdered for the sake of another.

My mother always spoke in admiration whenever his name was spoken and that was why the Zethuras were so happy with us. Sharing the same goals, beliefs and kindness was why we were now bonded like family.

"Jade?" Amanikable spoke. I turned to my shoulder where his dragon like figure sat "What is it?" I inquired.

"There is a cave a few meters ahead. We can rest there for the night" He said turning himself into a saber tooth. I followed him to the cave that he spoke of.

Once we were inside I was in shocked by how well the dark looking cave was well lit. The walls were filled with reflective gems and minerals that bounces the slightest light from outside.

The cave was hidden under an unseemingly plain rock that Amanikable only found this place because of a fresh water pool inside.

This cave was truely wonderful and mysterious in every angle you look at it.

I grabbed the dry wood from my bag and tinder to make fire for Amanikable and I.

Once I made the fire big enough I took out the gutted fishes I had caught the day before and set them at an angle near the fire to be cooked.

As we waited Amanikable lied down near the flame as I took out my Kampilan sword and started cleaning him. Gently unsheathing him from his scabbered and started.

"You are tired young one. A sword without a fully functional master is just metal." He said fatherly.

I smiled at him but said "You know how I care for my treasures as you care for yours. This won't take long"

Amanikable sighed but nodded understandingly. He lazily stood up and took one of the Fishes and began eating.

I saw no reason to hold back so I ate before I continued with cleaning.

I looked at Amanikable after I finished cleaning ans spoke "What is it like having a Shinyuu? Students said it was just like having a girlfriend but... Knowing that my case is different... Will it be different?"

Amanikable looked at me warmly and said "Child... Not everyone is the same but once a person finds their beloved, everything will change. Being different isn't bad either. When you find them, you can never leave them, for they are your other half, Your moon to the ocean, your light to the darkness and your hand to guide the way. Jusr know this... Once you find them, cherish them for they are all we have."

I nodded and lied my head down on my bag...
What adventures will I have if I have found my other half? What memories will it bring? And what turmoil will come our way?

These questions put me in a dreamless slumber. A slumber that cleared my wandering mind.


When the sun was out the cave grew brighter waking me up with the gems shimmers. I stretched my arms up carefully not tipping my Kampilan beside me. I slept beside the cave's walls and made my bag my pillow.

As my vision cleared I saw Amanikable guarding the opening of the cave intently.

The ashes from the fire last night slowly fly away by the soft breeze the cave surprisingly has.

I stood up and took the empty water bottle I had and went to the clean Fresh water pond inside.

As I drank a bit something caught my eye from the adjacent side of my side of the pond. I walked over there and saw writing on the gem.

It was Elven language but... The way it was written was how fairies write. The bright enchantment on it was a clear evidence of fairy writing...

Reading a lot of books about their lore and their culture I was able to decipher the text.

"I will hold my beloved's hand here tightly as if the end of everything would come when the sun arose the next day. Rememorizing every aspect of their being. Bring them here for relaxation and some soul searching. I will repeat my confession of my undying love for them in this cave that I have grown to love. We will make wondeful memories here. We will maintain the cave's natural beauty together... Forever"

I stared at wonder and admiration for this mysterious being. The love for the person who they may haven't met yet was exquisite. I would be envious of their mate.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Amanikable growl menacingly. It echoed through the cave signaling me to run back.

I unsheathed my kampilan once I got out of the cave. I looked around and found Amanikable surrounded by Ogres


Thanks to a lil viewer I decided to make this little update.

Not edited but I will

This is a short Update

And I know that she is still looking but bear with me. It's getting there

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