Chapter 19: Daniera's Problems

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I woke up in the morning getting ready for school calmly with all the time in the world. Until I looked at the clock and it was 9am... hehe... I'M LATE!!! That's when I started to rush and do things quickly I even almost forgot to brush my hair! I ran to school as quick as possible! But all that rush stopped once I reached the door to the first class I entered and excuses myself to the teacher and took my seat.

"Hey, copy off me because you missed a lot today." Arisu whispers to me.

"Yeah, I know I guess I forgot to put the alarm clock again hehe..." I whispered back nervously to her.

I started writing everything I missed out. I looked around once in a while to see if I could spot Daniera, but I couldn't. Maybe I'll see her during the changes of class. I went on to my next class hoping I run into her. Nothing, of course. It's lunch time and still no sign of her. Before I could enter the lunch room I went to my locker and put away some of my books until I heard this loud crash. I ran to it and it was just a trash can that fell but, when I look up... it was Daniera... she stood there looking at me for a while. When I was about to reach out to her she turns and runs away.

"Daniera! Wait!" I chased after her.

No I'm not letting her get away this time. It's time she starts talking to me and tell me what's really been going on! I have to keep following her! I tried to keep up with her when I finally caught up to her there I saw Kisame and her... she was on the floor... cornered...

Kisame was grinning evilly while looking at Daniera. "What happened to that girl that I met in the first days of class? Pathetic... your even worse than Misheru!" he laughs maniacally.

Daniera groans a bit trying to face Kisame "D-don't you dare insult her!" she yells in pain.

"Aw, did I strike a nerve?" Kisame knees and lifts up her chin. "I think you need an other beating!"

When Kisame was about to punch her I charged at him and tackled him down to the floor. "Don't... you... dare..." I grit my teeth. "Touch her!!" I punched him on the face hard a few times then started kicking him on the stomach a few multiple times the grabbed him and threw him across the hallway.

Daniera stood up and hold me tightly. "Come on! Let's go, he has had enough!"

I growled a bit at Kisame and help Daniera walk away with me to an old classroom that was used a long time ago. I set her against the wall and took a seat next to her. We looked at each other for a while.

"Misheru... I-" I interrupted her by hugging her tightly tearing up up a bit. "Don't you ever make me worry like that again you dork!" I whispered lowly.

Daniera hugs me back smiling a bit "I-I won't..."

We stayed like that for a while. The bell rang for the last class, but we decided to stay there.

"So... where you been since yesterday?" I asked.

"I wasn't feeling well... As you can see why... so I decided to not come to school yesterday." Daniera answers.

"But you weren't at your house... so where were you exactly?" I asked a bit worried.

Daniera sighs "I was at that cabin we went for a mini vacation once... I'm sorry I didn't tell you... I just wanted to be alone for a while, that's all."

"You should've at least told me where you were going and maybe I wouldn't have gone crazy looking for you everywhere dude!" I whined a little annoyed.

"Like I said I'm sorry okay..." she pulls me to her laying her head on top of mine.

"Hey, can I ask you something and please answer me don't leave me hanging...?" I asked seriously.

"Okay, sure what's up?" Daniera replied not moving an inch from how she was.

I bit my bottom lip "I think I found your ranting notebook at your room yesterday..."

Daniera eyes widen, "Wait you broke into my house?" she teases.

"W-Well I was looking for you and you left the door unlocked!" I blushed a bit. "So tell me... I know your not telling something and I have a feeling it has to do with your family."

Daniera looks down and sighs then looks over at me "Okay. I'm going to tell you something... but whatever I say here has to stay between us okay?"

I nodded and with that Daniera gets behind me wrapping her arms around me and interlocks her hands with mine. "Okay... so when I was a little child my parents were having problems... So they got divorced when I was only 5 years old. That's when my mom found my step dad. He used to be different when they were dating, but everything changed when they got married. He stopped caring about my mom, he cheated on her multiple of times, but since my mom was a fool, she gave him a lot of chances. That's when he started coming home at night... drunk... and started beating up my mom. Things just get worse everyday. Right now my mom tried getting a divorce with him, but that didn't end well. She went to the police to report the things that have been happening and she finally got restraining order on him. I hope things get better now... And I think you already know about my bullies in the past since you read that notebook I had." she narrows her eyes at me.

"Actually I just looked through it so no I don't know that much." I lied chuckling nervously.

"Oh god. Fine it's not like school ended or anything." Daniera complained sarcastically.

I got up from her and stretched out my hand to help her up. "Fine. Let's go home and you'll be better so... tell me there."

"Yeah, yeah just get me some food as well I'm starving." Daniera smirks and chuckles.

"Don't you think you eat too much?" I teased.

"Hey! I don't say anything to you when you eat like three bars of candy!" Daniera laughs.

I laughed a bit and pushed her playfully "Oh shut it or I'll let you starve. "

"You're mean." Daniera pouts and puts on sad puppy eyes.

I rolled my eyes and dragged her to the car. We got on and Daniera drove us to our house since she wanted to leave her mom alone for a while. I cooked us some pasta and chicken and served it and we began to dig in.

"So... you have your food now, so start talking." I demanded.

"Geez, bossy much? But fine." she straightens up on her seat. "So... want do you want me to say? It's basically like your past, but I started getting bullied not as young as you and the reasons I got bullied was because I changed my clothes style and my music and so on. And I got to a point where a grew tired off all the bullshit and started fighting with those idiots and after I kicked their ass most of them never even bothered to look at me again."

"And those who didn't give up?" I asked.

"Well... they tried to see if I had a weakness and they all failed... except one... Kisame... if I didn't do what he wanted he would had kept bothering you..." Daniera looked down sadly.

I got up went to her and hugged her pulling her head against my stomach, "Hey do me a favor and don't get into more trouble or problems because me."

Daniera smiles a bit "I'll try, but I won't promise anything." she laughs a bit.

Once we finish, Daniera helps me clean a bit then we went and started studying a bit. After that, we started watching a movie which Daniera fell asleep during half of it. She looks so cute when she's sleeping...

Kisame... I swear if you do something else to Daniera... you'll be facing me this time and I won't be planning going easy on you after all you have done!

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