Chapter 15: Revealing the past

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        Okami keeps leaning in and then he touches Ikuto's cheek, wiping off some blood from it.

"This guy and his blood loss problems." Okami sighs hopeless.

     Well that wasn't what it looked like he was about to do.

         I lower my head in disappointment. I walk in and Okami looks over at me.

    "Oh! Hey Misheru!" he says in a  childishly tone.

    "I didn't know you guys knew each other." I said a bit confused.

"Yeah, nice to see you too." Okami crosses his arms. "Anyways, yeah we have know each other since 8th grade. Let's just say I had a crush on him. Maybe I still do. The world may never know. But anyways, back to the story! He was a new student at school. At first I was like "Eh new guy, I don't give a shit about him.", but then I start to find him really cute so I started talking to him let's say I was a little shy or nervous at first, but then-..."

          Okami crosses his legs and said with a serious tone. "I found out he didn't know anything about anime nor manga and that's when shit hit the fan real quick. So I tried to show him a few animes. The first one was I think it was Fairy Tale or Sword Art Online I can't remember. Then you know I tried to drag him with some of my friends at lunch time to watch anime, but this bitch sometimes left me hanging and went somewhere else. So yeah that's how, now days, he knows all of those anime and Japanese shit because I showed him those things!" He beams happily and relieved.

    "So, any questions?" he asks with his eyes closed then opens them and sees me looking outside zoned out.

   "Misheru! Did you hear a thing I just said?!" He yells.

    I look over at him a bit lost, "Did you say anything Okami?"

   Okami sighs facepalms himself, "Oh god, never mind women."

           I keep on looking outside the window. It was raining, so I just stay there watching the rain drops fall and roll down on the window. Once in a while, I look around the room. This is why I hate hospitals. They're all white and it feels like I'm in the middle of nowhere and it's like the end of the universe or some shit and the needles, I mean I don't think anyone would love getting a needle in them.

         I play a few games for a while and Okami? He was doing he's weird dances. Even at a hospital he dances. What the bloody hell is wrong with that guy? Anyways, I went back to looking outside the window and, from there, I saw Daniera and Arisu entering the hospital.

Wait a second...Arisu is here?! I thought she hated Ikuto!

   I get up from the chair as soon as Daniera and Arisu walks in.

   "Arisu, what are you doing here?!" I ask her confused as hell.

   "Um, she said she wanted to see how Ikuto was doing. So,um, I brought her with me." Daniera stutters awkwardly holding her hands together.

   "So, what if I came here? If there's a problem with that, I'll just leave then." Arisu grunts annoyed turning her back towards us.

   "No no no! There's no problem, but you know Misheru is surprised for some reason!" Okami says standing up. "Please, stay here. I need to get some food, anyways." he fretted as he walks out of the room, closing the door behind him.

            Arisu takes a seat next to Ikuto and looks over at him with worried eyes.

   Oh wow, I never seen Arisu so worried about someone. Especially to someone she freaking hates! I wonder, does she secretly love Ikuto?

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