Chapter 18: The Text

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It's already Thursday and I can't wait for this week to end. Ugh, school and all the other shit has been stressing me out a lot lately. My phone starts ringing that must be the alarm telling me to get the hell out of bed. I sigh rubbing my eyes. I honestly haven't been caring about school that much recently. I grabbed my phone and turned off the alarm. I looked through my phone to see if Daniera has messaged me. Still nothing. I haven't seen her since yesterday after we got back home after hanging out with those Yuuto and the others... Maybe I'll go by her house later to see if she's okay. I finally got out of bed and started getting ready for school. Once I was done eating breakfast and everything else I went off to Daniera's house to check up on her. I knock on the door. No one answers...

So I tried opening and surprisingly it wasn't locked so I went in and started searching for Daniera everywhere around the house. After searching every other room, I finally reach Daniera's room. The only room left in the entire house that I haven't searched yet. I open the door to her bedroom and oh look at that... She's not there neither! I snoop around her room to see if there was anything that could tell me where she is at the moment, but then... I see a notebook under her bed. I picked it up and looked at it. Hm it's just a black notebook... there can be a possibility that this could give me a clue so I opened it and started reading it. My eyes widen... This notebook seems like a ranting notebook... It has Daniera's problems written on it. First thing I saw there it was her ranting about her family.

Huh... I guess she has family problems as well. She used to live with her grandparents when she was a little kid until her parents could solve some problems they were having, but her grandparents didn't like her so much so her grandmother used to hit her with a belt everytime she did something wrong and her grandfather... I just skipped that part because it was just to horrifying. I kept reading it and she also has bully problems... wait... Kisame is in here, Oh now he's going to get it! All that rage stopped when I came across the last thing she wrote.

"Maybe I should just disappear for a while to see how it goes..."

My eyes widen.. "There's no way she would to something like that maybe... she already got to school. Yeah I just need to get there and fast." I denied. I got to school as fast as I could to see if Daniera was around there. The first class ended and still no sign of Daniera. I was starting to panic... eventually all the classes went by and still no sign of Daniera. I ran to meet up with the others.

"Guys! I haven't seen Daniera all day! She's not even at her house!" I panic worried sick.

"Maybe she went out to... I don't know the doctor?" Ikuto suggested.

"She was fine when we saw her yesterday so I don't think she would be there." Arisu acknowledges.

"Look! Guys! Are you going to help me look for her or not?!" I shouted terrified.

I felt someone out there hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry... We will. So calm down, I'm sure she's fine Misheru." Kayo smiles warmly. "Arisu and I will go look for her while you and Ikuto go look for her around town or wherever you think she might be, okay?" Kayo asks looking at me.

"Okay. Fine. Come on Ikuto let's look around the park first." I walked off quickly as Ikuto tries to keep up with me.

We looked around the park, but she wasn't there. Then a small tattoo shop, the mall. We searched for her at any place possible to see if we could find her, but still no sight of her.

"Hey maybe Yuuto knows where she is? I mean he's the last one who was with her last night so..." Ikuto suggests.

"I would, but he said he had to go back somewhere to finish things with this Mariko person." I answered.

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