Chapter 22: Best Day Ever

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"So guys! There's this amusement park, not so far from here, and I was thinking. We've had really shitty days lately so let's go there today and make this one the best day ever!! What do you say? Are you in or out?" Daniera said a bit happily for once.

"Yes I love amusement parks!!" Arisu and I said at the same time.

"Yeah sure I want to go to every roller coasters they have!!" Kayo said excited and childishly

"Sure why not maybe it'll lighten me up a bit, for once." Ikuto smiles a bit.

"Yay! Misheru and Kayo come with me on my car!" Daniera said putting her arms on each one of ours and dragging us close "Come on! Let's give Arisu and Ikuto some time alone." She whispers to us as we walked to the car, ignoring Arisu in the background. We quickly got on, while we all looked through the mirrors to see Arisu getting on in Ikuto's car.

"Don't worry, I can come up with the shipping name for them!" Kayo said smirking.

"Well let's do that on our way to the amusement park!" I said happily joining in Kayo in thinking about a shipping name.

We spent like two hours stuck in the car. The line to get into the parking spot was long and the heat was driving us crazy! We listened to the radio,played on our phones and dared each other to say random things to random people who past by our side. When we finally arrived there, it was like at 1pm. We got a few photos together in group and then took some separately and me and Daniera took some cute ones ourselves. Then headed off to the rides. First we went to a roller coaster that was kinda Halloween themed.

"Uh... can we go to an other one please...?" Arisu said a bit nervously.

"Don't worry, you'll have Ikuto by your side to protect you from any scary thing!" Kayo yells running into the ride.

"Hey! Come back here!" Arisu ran after Kayo.

"Let's go in!" I yelled excitedly.

Me and Daniera took the front car,Kayo and Arisu sat behind us,and Ikuto sat alone in the back.

"Any single riders here?!" one of the staff members yelled.

"Meee! Hold on!!!" someone said coming in front of the line. When we look we see its...Okami! "Oh! I see how this is! You guys plan something and don't invite me! How rude of you!" Okami said shocked.

"Nice to see you too Okami." I said giggling a bit.

"Now who am I sitting with?" he looks until he sees the empty space in Ikuto's car. "Oh yus, I get to be with the hottie!" Okami quickly sat next to Ikuto.

"Oh god." Ikuto groans.

" it too late to switch seats?!" Arisu said sounding a bit jealous.

The bars start coming down to us to hold us down.

"I think that's a yes." Daniera said smirking a bit.

"Aw come o-ahhhhhhhhhh!!!" Arisu starts screaming.

Before Arisu could finish, the ride started. The ride went down quickly then did a few turns. It was really fast! And a few things pop up, trying to scare us but, to be honest, those things to me weren't that scary, but I can't say the same for Kayo and Arisu. They were basically hugging each other during the whole ride. Once that ride was over, we went on to the next one. Another roller coaster, but this one was taller and had more turns and shit.

"You guys are trying to kill me or something?" Arisu asks nervously again.

"Oh come on. Don't be a scaredy cat and just go in already!" Ikuto said pushing her to one of the cars and they sat together this time. While Kayo and Okami sat behind them.

"At least I'm behind hottie." Okami said grinning.

We all groaned when he said that. But the ride was about to start soon so I couldn't get up and punch him lightly. The ride starts and, yet again, you can hear Arisu screaming but Kayo, this time, was cheering like all of us were...well...almost all of us. Once we were done with that ride we went one to the last one. It was a pirate boat that swings you side to side.

"It doesn't seems that bad so, why not?" Arisu said happily and she's the first one to get on.

The rows were with six chairs so it was perfect for us. We all sat in the same row. It started to swing us side to side slowly but when it got faster and higher and we could her Arisu screaming again. Of course who else could it had been. Once it got high enough it left us hanging upside down for a while and that's when Arisu really lost her shit. When the ride was over Arisu looks at us.

"That's it no more rides for today, please!" Arisu pleads nervously.

We all laughed at her.

"So what's next?" Daniera asks.

"Well, I was thinking that, maybe, we could hit the arcade and play for a while and then get something to eat!" I said smiling brightly.

"That sounds good to me!" Everyone answers happily.

We headed to the arcade room,split up our money and put it together. Together, we had 20 dollars so we changed them into coins and divided it for all of us.

"Okay let's go!" Okami said cheerfully.

Me, Daniera, Okami, and Kayo went and played Mortal kombat, Pac-man, and a few car racing games. Daniera and I played mostly on Mortal Kombat and Pac-Man. While Okami and Kayo played Pac-Man and car racing games. Ikuto and Arisu? Well they played on one of those try and win a prize thing. They did win a few prizes, though. During one of the games, I got a phone call. I went outside to pick it up.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Oh hey Misheru it's me, your father. Look, I'm sorry about the other time. I guess I was still shocked over your mother's death. Is there any possible way you can forgive me and maybe I can visit you at your house one of these days?" he asks a bit sad.

I sighed and thought about it for a while before I answered him. "Fine...I forgive you and you can visit me only when I'm done with school this year okay?" I asked.

"Yes, perfect, thank you sweetie. I'll see you in the summer!" he said cheerfully before hanging up.

I went back to the others, which were already waiting outside for me.

"It's everything okay?" Okami asks concerned.

"Yeah, everything it's fine!" I said cheerfully.

"Okay, let's go to this place I know. They make really good food there!" Ikuto said smiling and guiding us to the place.

When we got there, each of us order our food. I got a bacon cheeseburger with french fries and a Mountain Dew. Daniera got some pepperoni pizza,Ikuto got a burger as well, Arisu ordered some pasta, Kayo got some salad with chicken, and Okami got a T-bone steak.

Once we all finished eating, we all headed to the cabin we spend a couple of months ago. Arisu and Kayo went to their room. Okami and Ikuto stayed up for a while. Daniera and I headed to our room and I locked the door on our way in. I turned and saw Daniera laying down on the bed. I went to her and got on top of her and held her hands down.

"Well someone is a little bit excited today!" Daniera said smirking.

"Oh, shut up you dork!" I said and started kissing her. Daniera kisses me back then I start kissing her neck.

"You sure you want to do this when we have guest around here?" Daniera asked softly and moans a bit.

"Let them think what they want. I don't care, so, do you?" I said softly.

"No, I don't." Daniera said lifting up my shirt a bit.

I helped her take it off and then I took hers off and started kissing down to her stomach while passing one of my fingers through her back and she shivers a bit.

Who's the shy one now dork?

A/N: So just going to say it now. This book only has 23 chapters. So I hope you have like this book so far and don't forget to comment and vote. See you all in the next chapter! ^^

Love Side Effect (girlxgirl)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin