Chapter 17: One Of The Many Hells Ends

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"Ugh... What a headache I have." I groaned rubbing my head.

            I look at the other side of my bed and there I see Daniera asleep naked... Wait... naked?! I jumped a bit and covered her with the blanket I had around me. Then I looked down over at me and I was naked as well!

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!!" I mumbled a bit loudly. "Yeah, fuck that's what I did last night with Daniera!" I chuckled a bit at my own thought.

              I looked over at the clock and saw it was almost 9am. Shit we're late again!! With that I quickly started to get dressed and get ready. When I was all ready I saw Daniera was still laying in my bed... sleeping, what the fuck?!

I went over to her and started shaking her a bit softly yet hard. "Hey Daniera! Wake up we are late again!"

Daniera mumbles a bit looking up at me rubbing her eyes. "But I don't want to go!" She whines a bit.

"Get up lazy ass, your not skipping school today so, come on already!" I giggled a bit pulling her up.

Daniera smirks a bit evilly and pulls me down with her to bed again. "Nu! Stay with meh!" She whines childishly pulling me closer to her and kissing me.

          My eyes widen when she pulls me down, and when I was about to get up she pulls me close to her and I kissed her back passionately wrapping my arms around her neck. Daniera bit my neck softly leaving marks all over it. I moaned a bit. But then I shake my head and got off her.

"Nice try, but we are still going to school loser." I said smirking a bit leaving the room.

            I could hear Daniera whine and pout while leaving the room and calling me a teaser. And the last thing I heard her say was "So, your just going to leave me hanging here?!" I laughed a bit when I heard that and then got my bookbag to get ready while Daniera got dressed and ready as well. By the time me and Daniera finished getting ready it was already 9:12am. That's when we quickly got into Daniera's car and drove off to school. We got stuck in a traffic on our way. Daniera was driving like a maniac today since in the traffic someone almost crashed into us and she started fighting with them.

             Since we got there late as hell we decided to wait until history class was over so we could go on ahead to science class at least and oh! Cooking class! Since we didn't take Japanese nor history. While we waited inside the car I would just zone out and start remembering last night. I just started remembering how Daniera looked without any clothes... her curves... her hips... and those soft breast of hers... god... she was perfect.. I could feel myself blushing for a moment when I was lost in my thoughts. Until I spotted Okami... and Yoshiro?! What the hell is Okami doing with him?! Wait... don't tell me they're...! I have to warn Yuuto and fast!

"Is that Okami and Yoshiro?!" Daniera yells a bit shocked.

"Shhh! Be quite let's see what there up to! Then we'll go and warn Yuuto!" I said whispering a bit loud.

Daniera rolls her eyes when she heard the name Yuuto. "Fine, Whatever." She scuffs.

              I rolled my eyes playfully and kept on watching Okami and Yoshiro. Watching their every single move they made. It was only 5 minutes left until the bell rings and that's when it happened. That's when me and Daniera saw Okami and Yoshiro kiss. Of course, Daniera was taking a video of it. But we where both shocked and Daniera a bit surprised but, as for me... well... somehow I knew this was someday coming. Didn't think it was gonna come this fast! When we hear the bell ring we rush off to the science classroom and waited for the others to come. Arisu, Kayo and Ikuto got here first so, we quickly told them what we saw and happened they were all shocked and surprised. Especially Ikuto, Okami used to like him so, I guess I can understand why he's like that. As soon as Yuuto,Varni, and Kairi got here we went up to them.

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