And Peggy!

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A/N So I originally planned for this to be a one shot, but then I kept having ideas for it, and now it's somewhere between a one shot and a chapter book. Enjoy! ❤️

"Girls, I have decided to host the annual Winters Ball this year!" Philip Schuyler announced during breakfast that morning.

His daughters each had very different reactions. The eldest, Angelica, smiled and said; "That is wonderful, father!" It was clear that Angelica was the eldest of the three girls. She was calm and organized, and usually took action when one of her sisters was upset. She had the biggest mind of her sisters.

The second eldest, Elizabeth, who preferred to go by Eliza or Betsy, beamed in delight. "Oh I've been wanting to wear my new dress!" She exclaimed. Eliza was a dreamer, and often a go-getter depending on the situation. She had the biggest heart of the sisters, and was the most open--minded.

And Peggy? Peggy gave a small smile and said "How wonderful". She said nothing more.

Angelica and Eliza looked at each other. The sisters had made a special bond since their mother had passed away, and could usually tell what another sister was feeling by looking at them. But Peggy had not exactly tried to hide her negative feelings.

"May I be excused?" She asked as she finished her breakfast.

"Of course my dearest." Her father smiled.

Peggy ran to her bedroom, who was shortly followed by her two elder sisters.

"What's wrong Peggy?" Eliza asked, taking her hand. Peggy was always closer to Eliza then Angelica, but everyone knew it was Angelica and Eliza with the special bond.

"Nothing girls. Just deciding what to wear to the ball." Peggy answered.

"Something is the matter." Angelica insisted. "I know you don't love balls but they aren't that bad once we get there, you always end up having a grand time!"

Peggy plasters a fake smile on her face. "Truly girls, I'm just a bit under the weather. I just need some rest."

"Would you like us to stay here?" Eliza asks.

"No,  I'll be fine."

Angelica and Eliza seemed doubtful, but they got the hint.

"We'll be downstairs if you need us." Angelica said.

Eliza kissed Peggy's cheek and walked out behind her sister.

Peggy flopped on her bed, letting out a long sigh. She didn't really mind balls or fancy parties. But she would often get lonely at them. Her sisters would be surrounded by adoring takers, while she would get the left overs of men. Most of these men only showed affection because the sisters were wealthier than others. Peggy wishes someone would care for her because of her personality. Men usually went to her sisters anyway. They were more beautiful. Peggy was the backup if a man was rejected.

It had always been that way. Peggy wasn't sure how it started. Whenever they were to be introduced to someone the girls would say "I am Angelica." "I am Eliza." Then, Angelica would say, "And this is Peggy."

Just "and Peggy", nothing more, nothing less.

Peggy hadn't realized how long she had been lying on her bed, but she woke up to a soft knock on her door.

"Peggy?" Her father called.

Peggy opened her door. "Yes, father?"

"I think I'll be turning in., it's been a long day. Your sisters are going for a walk, and were wondering if you would like to join them. "

Peggy thought a walk would be nice to clear her mind, despite the fresh blanket of snow on the ground.

"I think I will join them, thank you father." She pecked a kiss on his cheek.

"Of course my dearest. And you know the rules, be home by sundown and stay in the neighborhood.

Peggy was sure her sisters wouldn't go waltzing downtown when it was so cold outside. "Yes, father. Sleep well."

Her tired father smiled and bid her goodnight.

Peggy walked down the steps, putting on her good coat. Perhaps today will be the day, she would meet the gentleman who would steal her heart!

Her sisters grabbed her hands and walked out the door.

"Are you feeling better, Peggy?" Eliza asked, looking at her sister with her big brown eyes.

"Yes, I am, thank you." Peggy never liked talking in such a lady like manner, but her father taught her to be that way, and she had no choice.

"Where are we going?" Eliza asked.

Angelica gave the girls a smirk over her shoulder. "Downtown, of course! I've had my eye on that new dress for ages, I'd love to purchase it tomorrow..."

"Oh no." Peggy pulled away. "Daddy said not to go downtown. You always do this!"

"And you always give in." Angelica had not stopped walking, unlike Eliza, who still held Peggy's small hand. "Go home if you must, but I'm looking for a mind at work!"

That was Angelica's favorite thing to say. She liked a hardworking kind of man, the type of man who kept trying, even if he had done the best he could.

Peggy sighed. Eliza would obviously go with the eldest sister, and if Peggy didn't go, she would miss out on many fun adventures with her sisters. They would talk about the city endlessly tomorrow, making Peggy feel more left out then usual, but of course not intentionally.

"Well I cannot walk back alone." She said. "So I have to go with you."

Eliza and Angelica shared a smile. "Wonderful!"

If father finds out... A small voice in the back of Peggy's head kept saying.

However, the voice soon subsided, and was replaced with music instead.

"Shall we?" Angelica smiled.

"Oh we shall!" Eliza beamed.

And PeggyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora