Watching the door close, I wanted to scream at her. I wanted to ask her where she was when he was in a coma. But I said nothing. What could I say to the one who was David's future? Instead I put one foot in front of the other and made my way to my room as tears fell down my face.

Everything was falling apart. I felt that I needed to be happy, happy because David was alive and he would be well, but in light of this new information about Daniel, confirmation of how everyone blamed me for everything bad, I just could be happy.

This burden on my shoulders was too heavy for me to carry. It felt like it would crush me eventually.

It wasn't enough that I blamed myself for everything that everyone else had to as well?

Why was life so unfair to me?

I cried myself to sleep again that night. It had become somewhat of a ritual now.

I woke up the next morning to a knock on my door. Thank God I was dragged out of the nightmare I was going through.

I got out of bed and opened my door groggily. There he stood, casually leaning against the door frame with a tired smirk on his face. David was at my door.

"What's a guy gotta do to meet a girl?"

"David." I said before I hugged him as hard as I could which I probably shouldn't have. He wobbled on his feet a little which showed he had still not recovered.

"Come in, you aren't supposed to be out of bed."

He put his arm around my shoulder for support as I slowly took him to my bed. He had come to my room alone and must have greatly suffered if he couldn't walk without support.

"I did come to see you but you were resting. I got free late yesterday.. It was quite a meeting."

"You should've woken me up." He said as if he hadn't just woken up from a comma but was just resting. I wasn't going to tell him that Kiesha had sent me away because that would do no good to anyone. "But I understand, I know how difficult it is to balance personal life when you have the entire kingdoms responsibilities on your shoulder. Especially since you're new at it. But I've heard you're doing a good job."

I smiled back at him, of course he understood, he was the most understanding guy there ever was. "I don't know who told you that I'm doing well because the last meeting blew up in my face."

"Dimitri. He told me you came to visit me very often. Damn. I missed out on all the cuddling." He smiled.

"For someone who doesn't talk he's been quite talkative lately." I grumbled.

He laughed out loud. "He does talk but it's probably not loud enough for you to hear. Plus he always talks to me. He was the first bodyguard I was assigned and has been there with me since the very beginning. He is a good friend." He said fondly.

"Did he also tell you what happened yesterday?"

David nodded "Come here. Sit with me." He said making space next to him so I could sit there.

I made my way to him. We both leaned against the headboard. He tried to turn towards me but groaned in pain.

I put my hand on his chest and said "don't move." And I turned towards him instead. We sat there facing each other.

He grabbed my hand on his chest before I could pull it back.

His voice was so soft "these kind of things happen. Let me get better and I will fix everything."

"But they're right... It is all my fault. You shouldn't have to fix anything to begin with."

He shook his head side to side. "No. This is how people learn through experience. You look like you haven't been sleeping much. Don't let all this get to you. Nothing in life comes easy."

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