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Exams ended!!! YAY! Freedom! You guys don't know how difficult it was to update right after exams but the thing is that I promised you guys and I've got soooooo many plans that finding time is difficult. And you know how it is when after exams you don't want to have to type or use your laptop for anything other than seasons! Which also reminds me all my favorite seasons have ended including TVD! Like whyyyy! They always distract me in my exams. :( if I pass these exams, which I hope I do, I'd be a graduate!! YAY!

Anyway enough blabbering! Someone suggested the song ****MY BLOOD by ELLIE GOULDING*** to depict Elizabeth's feeling and its perfect! SO check it out. This chapter is dedicated to that person! I can't remember the name so shout out!

Disclaimer!! All mine. No copying!

Welcome back.

By the time we reached the castle I had realized I had fallen asleep in the car and surprisingly wasn't awoken by nightmares. I guess I was really tired. Plus sleeping was better than bitter thoughts of why I had agreed to this whole friendship thing.

There was an ache in my stomach, one that I didn't quite understand. It wasn't like I was ever hungry.

As I walked to the big doors to the entrance in silence with David next to me I felt a sense of déjà vu but it wasn't a good feeling.

I had sworn not to come here after... After what had happened but I reminded myself to keep the greater good in mind.

Lindsay deserved it.

I walked in to be welcomed by the entire royal family which brought tears to my eyes. This was meant to be my family. It felt more like mine than my own did.

"This is your family. Welcome home Liz" hugged Lindsay. I had forgotten she could read minds.

Then I was passed around to the Queen Mia, James and the King Edward. All said lovely nice words of how it felt good to have me around again and that they hoped I would stay with them. They all had been quite fond of me now.

I deeply missed the presence of john though. The brother who had given his life to save mine, just for David and the ironic part was that we didn't end up together.

Amongst the royal family was also Kesha with her nose held up in the air. I suppose she had moved in too. She merely nodded in acknowledgment. It would be safe to assume that she didn't exactly like my presence in the castle though that was no surprise. I just smiled at her.

As far as my experience went if I couldn't have softened her with my bitchy competitive side I would smother her with kindness. After all; she had what was mine eternally. She had won. There was no competition. All I could do was be nice and make it easier for everyone.

"Hey I'll show you your room. You can settle in. It's late you would want your sleep. We have sooooo much catching up to do in the morning! Can't wait!"

I followed Lindsay. "Me neither. It's wonderful to see you all after so long. I forgot how much I missed you guys." It was true. I guess I had blocked myself from feeling these things as I didn't want to hurt more than I already did. It would have been unbearable. I had not only lost David. I had lost everyone who was dear to me.

"You know I don't mean to, but girl your thoughts are way too depressive. Those are louder and harder to ignore. And let me tell you something you have not lost everyone. We will always be there for you. You will always be part of our family. I speak for everyone. You have no idea how many times we tried to reach out to you but your mother said you weren't ready for us."

"My mother... She never told me.." And to think all this suffering alone could've been better with Lindsay and others in my life, by my side. I sometimes feel like my mother has something against me.

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