Im so sorry

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Hey guys... I'm so sorry I haven't been in wattpad. I never have time to do anything between acting and religion and family but religions over and I'm going to jersey on Sunday so I will write in the car I promise❣❤️ I met cam, hunter, Bart, Nick and Jacobs mom at Magcon and I also met my internet friends the Guava Squad (y'all should follow us on Twitter @theguavasquad) and I'm meeting Jonah Marais in 11 days and SHAWN FOLLOWED ME ON TWITTER CJDJDJDJ, anyways 😹😹 I love you guys so so so so so much and I swear I'm gonna upload at least once a week maybe twice. YOU GUYS ARE CJXJDJDJ 141,000 READS BDJDJJD LOVE YOU GIYS TO THE MOON AND BACK X1000000
Sam Mendes💕 (enjoy the picture of me and nick at Magcon)❤️❤️

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