Chapter 14: Battle Of The Brothers

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   "No! I'm tried of your bullshit! It's time we settle this once and for all!" Ikuto charges at Kisame and lands an other punch on his face. Kisame quickly head bumps Ikuto with his head and then he tackles Ikuto down and punches him several times on his face.

    "That's it! I'm getting a teacher before this gets worse!" Kayo stumbles a bit while running off.

   Ikuto grabs Kisame by the neck trying to choke him. "Your going to pay for what you did to our mother, Kisame!"

   Kisame hits him where it hurts with his knee and keeps hitting there repeatedly. "You? Ha! Don't make me laugh, bro. You're just a weak, pathetic boy."

   "Yeah, a weak pathetic boy who just gave you a lot of bruises." Ikuto smirks in pain groaning a bit.

   Kisame reaches his limits he punches Ikuto on the nose then takes out a small pocket knife from his pocket. "You know what? I'm getting tried of you fucking being around so." He passes the knife around Ikutos neck and then lifts it up.

"Kisame don't do this! He's your brother think about it!" I try stepping in, but Daniera held me back and hold me tightly so I couldn't move.

"I'm going to get rid of you once and for all!!!" When he's about to drag down his knife at Ikuto's chest someone grabs his arm from behind.

"That's enough! Kisame, your going to the office! We are calling your mother and the police for attempting killing your own brother!" the science teacher closes his eyes disappointed.

Kisame's eyes widen. He tries to escape, but the music teacher tackles him down, pinning him against the floor. "Oh, I don't think so young man."

"Wait, where did Ikuto go?" One of the teachers asks.

We look around us and he wasn't there? Where did he run off to?

"Don't worry, I'll go and look for him." I sigh while Daniera hugs me before I go off looking for him.

"I'll go with you, because, well I guess I'm a little worried about him." Arisu cracks up a bit nervously.

    I nod and we went off searching for Ikuto. We search through the entire school: the bathrooms,classrooms, lunchroom, and even at the court yard, and he's nowhere to be found. But then it occurred to me that maybe he's hiding at my secret spot. We went there and saw some old blood on the ground.

   This blood must have been when I cut myself back then when Hisui and I recently stopped being friends. Then I came across with fresh blood. Oh no, don't tell me he did what I think he did.

   I follow the trail of blood and found Ikuto with both of his arms full of deep cuts all over them.

"Arisu! Help! Ikuto he's-" I try helping him up. It seems he passed out for all the blood he lost.

"Oh my god! What the hell happened to him?!" Arisu covers her mouth startimg to tear up.

"Just call 911. Quickly, Arisu!" I held him trying to cover his cuts.

Arisu nods while calling 911 and telling them the information they need to know. I carried Ikuto back to the others and the teacher.

"What happened to him?!" Everyone asks either shocked or worried.

"We don't know! We just found him like that and he lost a lot of blood. We already called 911 and-and." Arisu starts tearing up a bit more.

   Kayu went to Arisu and comforts her.

   "Well, look, I think Arisu had enough for one day, so I'm taking her home. Tell me the news when you get to the hospital. See ya." Kayo said a bit emotionless and left helping Arisu.

   After a while, the ambulance comes and takes Ikuto to the hospital while me and the others stayed behind. Daniera kisses me quickly before going home. I went to the principle's office and told him what happened between Kisame and Ikuto. I, then, ask him if I could speak to Kisame for a moment. He nods and takes me to Kisame.

"Okay, if you need anything, I'll be waiting outside." With that, he closes the door.

  Kisame looks up a bit at me "What the hell do you want now?"

"Oh nothing. I just came here to tell you that your brother had a break down, self-harmed himself and since he did it too deep. He's at the hospital now. Just thought of letting you know, since its your fault he did what he did." I narrow my eyes at him.

   "Oh wow. Really? Aw, I better go apologize to him to see if he gets better with that!" Kisame said in a sarcastic tone.

   "Yeah, right. I always knew he was a pathetic, weak loser. Serves him right as well. Maybe if he didn't care about that stupid whore, I wouldn't be in this mess in the first place!"

"You heartless, selfless asshole. I hope you go to jail and, as for Ikuto and Daniera, you stay away from them. Because if I see you close to any of them next time, I'll be the one punching your fucking face!" I head to the door to take my leave.

"Ohhhh. Misheru is going to hurt me. Help me mommy! Haha, funny. You won't even hurt a fly. But I'll love to see you try though. Anyways, see ya around, bitch!" Kisame laughs evilly.

  With that I closes the door behind me and start heading off to the hospital to see Ikuto. On my way there I got a few flowers for him and a few snacks. I enter the hospital and went to one of the nurses.

"Excuse me, where is Ikuto's room? I'm a friend of his." I smile a bit politely.

"Come with me, I'll take you there!" The nurse smiles warmly. She takes me up to the 3th floor and points the room out for me. "There it is and I think one of your friends is already there as well, so keep it quiet as possible so he won't get scared."  With that, the nurse left.

   I head towards the room and slowly open the door. Through the crack, I saw Okami there! What is he doing there? He and Ikuto barely know each other. That's when Okami slowly leaned over to Ikuto.

"Oh my gosh! Is he gonna-...? " I whisperer to myself.

Okami got closer and closer and then he....


A/N: want to find out what Okami does? Find out in the next chapter. (:

Love Side Effect (girlxgirl)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن