Eros smirked and stepped forwards, but not before he turned around to find that Sicily was standing right behind him. "Uh, can I help you?"

"Chamberlain, you can't be serious." Yep, she was ignoring him. "He can't fight you!"

Chamberlain suddenly looked pleased, although closer to shocked, and asked, "Why is that?"

"Because... He's just not strong enough! You can't go full force on him, because you just might kill him."

"Is that so? Look at yourself, Sicily." Everyone took a moment to look at the green dragon, whose forward-leaning posture overshadowed the tiny Sandshrew below. He looked rather uncomfortable, the tips of his ears being pressed down in the slightest, but he didn't find this weird at all. "Look at where you stand."

"So? Is it wrong for me to want to protect him?"

"There's something we haven't uncovered, isn't there?"

And so the three had to gather themselves in a circle once more, setting the atmosphere into one where they all felt more like talking. Sicily was somewhat grumpy while Eros, still a Sandshrew, was a tad confused. "Why are we in a circle again?"

"Yeah," continued Sicily, "we haven't learned anything all day. I mean, I know how to use a fork and read and all..."

Chamberlain smirked again and replied, "There's still something you're hiding."

Sicily crossed her arms and retorted, "Well, I'm not hiding anything."

After a bit more uncomfortable silence, Eros starts squirming in place, letting Chamberlain pick up on this and state, "Well, if you don't know anything wrong between you two..."

Eros shut his eyes and said, "Fine, fine. I'll be honest. Now, please don't hate me for this, Sicily, but..." Then, as if he had to force the words out, "I don't trust you anymore."

Sicily let out a dramatic gasp and said, "Aww, why? Is it something I did?"

"Well... I mean, every time you tried to kidnap me and when you just left me back at that Populi base, and when Xerxes said..." Then, after some unintelligible muttering, "I don't know how you think of me anymore." Eros couldn't exactly explain it, but he didn't trust her for all the times she betrayed him.

"Aw, Eros..." Sicily walked over to him and started to scratch his head, but he just pulled away and crossed his arms.

"And you don't think I can handle myself, either..."

"C'mon, I still think you're a great person. You're just... Well, you're not born to fight. That's all."

Chamberlain grinned rather smugly, stating, "And that's where your problem lies."

Sicily asked, "What do you mean?"

"You see..." As Chamberlain started to speak, his many limbs came together to sketch various Pokemon in the sand. "With a normal pairing between a trainer and a Pokemon, the Pokemon and the trainer meet one way or another and they get to learn each other. As they battle, or, like you, don't battle, they learn a bit more about combat every day, taking their experiences and using it not only to temper their relationship, but also to improve their capabilities in combat. They fight not only as a Pokemon and trainer, but as a team. As one.

"And so, as you could likely conclude, their power lies in not only their powers and strengths, but in their bonds as well." The vignette in the ground appeared to be a trainer and a bunch of Pokemon, all connected to one another by many lines. "Every time you fight together and learn something, your bonds between one another grow stronger, and together, you learn to fight; But, more importantly, you learn to work together and be friends.

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