Chapter 34: Adrian POV

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"Lissa!" I hissed warningly, "are you sure this is a good idea?"

Aunt Tatiana had been remarkably civil and understanding with us, listening patiently to our occasionally rambling and roundabout explanation of why we needed to secure her approval to send Rose and Dimitri on a 'secret mission.' I was beginning to get worried. Yeah, it was going great. Better than great. Only... I had the sinking feeling that we were about to get the rug pulled out from beneath our feet. Metaphorically speaking, of course. I know my Aunt, you see. And her civil and courteous... understanding just didn't ring true to me.

"Adrian!" Lissa scolded in a whisper. "We're trying to present a united front, remember? And why are you complaining? Everything is working out perfectly."

Exactly. Too perfectly. But before I could try to explain, Tatiana made her move.

"We know, of course, that your reason for sending them on this – frankly ridiculous – 'secret mission' is to conceal the fact that they have managed the impossible – a pure dhampir offspring."

Damn. Well, I guess I don't have to bother trying to make Lissa see, I thought bitterly.

"...We will obviously have to study the child." Her cold, calculating voice broke into my thoughts. "And the parents too, We imagine. We need to find out how this came about. If it could be replicated, it would have far-reaching repercussions in Our society."

Well, that much I could agree on. If Dhampir couples could have chidren, there would be far fewer bloodwhores, and far more guardians to go around. It may even be the edge against the Strigoi I know my Aunt has been dying to find. But I couldn't agree to Rose's baby – and Rose herself – being studied. She'd be poked and prodded, turned into a lab rat. She would hate it. There had to be another way.

"I will not let you turn her into a lab rat!" Someone's voice rang out harshly in the private audience chamber, empty save for us and a few of Tatiana's royal guard. I looked around, puzzled, as it slowly dawned on me. Wait. No. Surely that wasn't me.

Tatiana's face softened minutely as she turned her still-steely gaze to me. "Adrian." she said softly. "We know that you care for the girl. But it cannot be helped."

"Yes, it can." My voice was stronger, more determined than I had ever heard it. Even Tatiana seemed taken aback, though she tried to hide it. "I agree that it could be an amazing thing for our society, if we could duplicate it. But that does not give us any right to torture Rose."

"Very well. Tell Us, Nephew, what would you suggest?" Her tone was icy, yes, but also curious. I felt hope begin to stir once more in my heart.

"Let me study her, Aunt. And Lissa. Not with invasive tests and procedures," I hurried on at her skeptical look, "but with Spirit – since it is most likely Spirit that is at the root of this."

She didn't say anything, but her gaze was speculative now, rather than skeptical. I was doing it! I was convincing her. I attempted to strengthen my backbone, standing straighter, and trying desperately to ignore the sweat seeping into the fabric of my shirt.

"We will need your permission and assistance in digging up as many references to Spirit as we can find – the older and more obscure the better – in order to discover if something like this has happened before."

Her eyes widened minutely at that. Heh. I know what she's thinking - sometimes even I have good ideas. I know she loves me, but it's no secret that I'm not exactly a brainiac. Though, I'm maybe a bit more intelligent than I normally let on.

Coming Home to You (VA - Romitri)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora