Chapter 12: Rose POV

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'Rosemarie Hathaway!' came through the bond. 'Get your ass over here!'

"One of these days Liss," I sighed as I plonked down beside her, "I'll actually get you to swear out loud."

She blushed and mentally slapped me.

"Ow!" I rubbed my head as the others looked on in confusion. I waved my hand airily. "Bond things. You wouldn't understand."

Suddenly Lissa let out an ear-piercing squeal and grabbed my hand, tackling me to the floor.

"What the Hell, Liss?" I glared at her.

'Sorry.' She didn't look sorry. 'But, Rose... is that what I think it is?'


She jabbed at the ring excitedly.

"Oh, that. Yeah." I grinned, then winced as she squealed again.

"How dare you, Rose!" This time she actually did smack me. "The first I hear about my best friend's relationship should not be that she's engaged!"

"You're what?" came from the others at the table.

'Oops.' sent Liss. 'Didn't realize I'd said that bit out loud.'

"Forgiven, Liss." I laughed. "It would have come out sooner or later. This one has decided we're done hiding." I jabbed my finger behind me as Dimitri appeared at my shoulder with our food. "Thanks, love."

"Anytime." He grinned and pecked me on the lips, then sat down beside me.

Eddie bristled. Why? Oh – right.

"Comrade," I said gently, "might want to grab a different seat." He shot me a hurt and confused glance. "That one is Mason's." I explained. His look of confusion changed instantly to one of apology.

"Sorry." He stood up, then looked around in vain for another chair. I took pity on him.

"Here, Comrade." I stood up. "You can sit with me."

He shot me a puzzled glance, then grinned when he caught my meaning. He sat, and I sank into his lap with a sigh.

"Mmm. You're much more comfy than those hard chairs." I wiggled my butt around to get more comfortable. "On the other hand," I mused, "you're pretty hard, too." I winked exaggeratedly and he blushed as everyone groaned.

"Rose!" chastised Lissa.

"Hey, I just tell 'em like I see 'em."

Eddie leaned over and snagged a fry off my plate - or tried to. I slapped his hand away and bared my teeth at him.

"Ow, Rose." He winced. "I think you broke my hand!"

"Serves you right. You should know better than to steal food from Rose Belikova." Dimitri glowed and Eddie muttered about psychopaths as Adrian healed him.

"And Rosie is back in action, ladies and gentlemen!" crowed Christian.

"Shut it Pyro," I returned good-naturedly, menacing him with a fry.

"Rose who?"

Oh shit. Mommy dearest had decided to make an appearance.

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