Chapter 32: Kirova POV

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I headed back to my office once I was confident I'd rid my complexion of its traitorous blush. Sometimes, being Moroi pale was less than ideal. I took the long way, winding through the edge of the forest that encroached upon our campus. I was well inside the wards, so I didn't worry about Strigoi. I loved this walk, and hadn't had the time for it lately. There was something about being surrounded by trees – far older than us, though we Moroi were long-lived – the silence, the stillness. It was comforting, soothing – a balm to my stressed, list-making Headmistress' soul.

I blinked, realizing I was no longer alone on the path.

"You've got to stop sneaking up on me, Al." I chastised gently. Though, to be honest, I was more amused than anything. She always had enjoyed trying to startle me - ever since we were children.

"Sorry." She walked beside me in silence for a moment. It was nice, just us, enjoying the silence. It had been far too long, I realized suddenly, since we'd had time for even a moment together, without the pressing business of the school and students edging between us. But I knew she needed to talk to me about something. She'd never been able to hide from me. I promised myself that, once whatever was bothering her had been sorted, we were going to take some time for just us. Time to be best friends, instead of Head Guardian and Headmistress. I sighed. Now, though, was not that time.

"Spill." I commanded. And, as always, she obeyed.

"It's Rose."

When isn't it Rose, I thought sardonically. Though, to be fair, she'd been a model student of late.

"What's she done now?" Rose, in trouble, I knew how to handle. It was the new, responsible, adult Rose that worried me.

"She hasn't done anything. Or, well, nothing to get her in trouble. Not like you think."

Al hesitating over her words? This was even more worrying than a responsible Rose. I stopped walking and turned to her, looking deep into her eyes for a moment, studying her. Then I grabbed her arm and towed her over to the bench I knew was hidden in a clearing to our left. A bench we'd sat on many a time, over the years, to confide and scheme.

"Alright. Now, spill."

She laughed nervously. "Geez, what is with everyone today? Between you and Art, you seem determined to turn us all into teenagers again"

"As much fun as that would be, you're evading me." I glared at her. "Now, no more hesitating. Spill."

She blew air between her front teeth in a gesture I hadn't seen in nearly twenty years. "Well," she began slowly, "we need to move Rose's trial and graduation up."

I just stared at her. "What?"

"Preferably to before the students come back." she continued quickly.

Huh. This was so not what I was expecting. I held up a hand to stop her. "Go back. Why do we need to move Rose's trial up?"

She hesitated, then after a nervous glance at me, plowed ahead.

"She's pregnant."

I blinked. Surely, she didn't say what I thought she did?

"With who?"


Of course. But – "Wait – "

She cut off my protests. "I know they're both Dhampirs. But, Lissa has pumped so much Spirit into Rose over the years – not to mention using it to bring her back from the dead – it must have somehow affected her fertility.

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