Chapter 30: Kirova POV

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I settled in to watch, mentally rubbing my hands together in glee. This was going to be good! I glanced around as the two sized each other up. Art was, to the casual eye, watching the pair intently, but I saw him shoot several covert glances at Al. The same glances I'd seem him shoot her when we were in school. The same glances I'd seen Belikov shoot Rose these past months. Aha – so there was still something there. This I could work with.

My matchmaking was interrupted by Lissa's soft gasp as, without warning, both fighters sprang into action. Once they began, I found that I couldn't tear my eyes away from the pair on the sparring mats. There was an odd synchronicity to their movements, born no doubt of countless hours spent together in training. Ellen, I congratulated myself, getting him to train her was your best idea yet. Then even that much conscious thought left me as I was sucked into the beauty of their dance. For it was a dance – calling it a fight seemed crass – a deadly dance of death. And the dancers – they moved as one, dark, avenging angels wrapped in the light of their love for one another. It shone through, somehow, brighter even than in their everyday contact. There was no way, watching them, you could miss it. I shifted my feet, suddenly uncomfortable watching such an intimate dance. I found myself embarrassed to be caught watching. Yet, I couldn't look away.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, or maybe only seconds – time had lost its meaning – he pinned her. I thought it was over – she'd never escape his larger, heavier body. But she surprised me yet again, as she was wont to do. She took a deep breath, as if preparing to concede, then grinned a feral grin and, in one fluid motion, flipped them, bringing her hands over his heart. Her exultant shout of "DEAD!" rang throughout the silent room. Then she leaned down and kissed him.

Again I found myself acutely embarrassed to bear witness, yet unable to turn away. A wolf whistle broke the heavy silence – Christian Ozera, of course.

The pair broke the kiss and looked up, blushing, as if surprised to find us there. I cleared my throat. "Well. That was... enlightening. Congratulations, Rose. And to you, Belikov; you've taught her well." I nodded to the pair and made my escape. Once out of eyesight, I fanned my face vigorously, hoping to dispel the traitorous heat from my cheeks before anyone saw me. I had an image to maintain, after all.

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