Chapter 22: Rose POV

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I opened my eyes to a blindingly bright light and quickly shut them again.

"Sorry." I heard Eddie mutter sheepishly. "Guess you're awake then. You can open your eyes now."

"Um, yeah. What the Hell was that?" I scrunched up my nose, squinted my eyes, and then cautiously opened one. When the light didn't try to blind me, I opened the other eye. I stared up at the concerned faces of my friends. "And what am I doing on the floor?" I continued confusedly.

"Rose," Dimitri said softly, "you fainted."

"Nu-uh. I do not faint."

"Fine," he said drily, "you blacked out, then. Or, if you prefer, you lost consciousness."

"Oh. Wait – why?"

"That's what I was trying to find out!" Eddie said petulantly.

"By blinding me? Yeah... that's gonna work."

"No-o." He spoke slowly. "I was checking your pupils."


"Beats me." He shrugged. "I'm not a doctor."

I glared at him. "Gee, thanks Eddo. Real helpful."

"Speaking of doctors," Dimitri scooped me into his arms, "I'm taking you to the clinic."

"No, Comrade," I whined, "don't do that. I'm fine. Really."

He didn't look convinced.

"Fine. I'll go to the clinic," I paused, "tomorrow. If I'm still not feeling well. Right now I just want to go to bed."

Everyone eyed me dubiously.

"I mean it. I'm fine. I probably just ate too much sugar too quickly."

"She did eat a lot of ice cream." chimed in Christian.

"Thanks, Pyro. Your concern is touching."

"Anytime, Rosie."

"Ugh. Someone get this idiot out of my sight. I'm super tired, and I really don't want to have to beat him up right now."

Lissa led Christian away, murmuring softly to him. I caught something about 'finding a corner.' As long as it's far away from me. I tried sending that thought through the bond to Liss, just in case. I liked to try occasionally, just in case it ever did become two-way. I mean, it would suck if it did but neither of us noticed.

'Get ready for bed, Rose. I'll make sure to keep him out of your line of sight – and you out of my head.' I could almost hear her smile through the bond, and found myself smiling back.

Suddenly, something appeared in my hand. I looked up, and found Dimitri smiling down at me.

"What's this?"

"Pajamas, Rose. I thought you might like another one of my shirts to wear, since you washed the other one."

"Thanks, Comrade!" I smiled at him. "That's exactly what I need to make me feel better. Well, most of it." I batted my lashes at him exaggeratedly.

"Go get changed." He pointed me in the direction of the bathroom and gave me a light push. "I'll grab us a place to sleep."

"Make sure it's far, far away from Christian." I made a face. "But close enough to Lissa that we can make sure she's ok. In case of an attack, or something. On second thought I'm not sure if that's even possible." I frowned.

He grinned at me. "I'll do my best. Now go on and get changed before someone else decides to hog the bathroom."

I didn't need to be told twice.

After changing, brushing my teeth, and washing my face, I stepped out of the bathroom to find everyone setting out blankets and pillows. The couches had been moved again, and now sectioned the room off, allowing some privacy while still leaving the impression of a slumber party.

Dimitri waved me over to a corner where he'd made a nest of blankets and pillows.

"You're a genius!" I said appreciatively, when I reached him.

He'd contrived it so that he could see both Lissa and Christian, but I had to look over his body to do so, and even then, Lissa's body almost entirely blocked Christian from my view.

"I know. That's why you love me."

"One of the reasons, Comrade. One of the many, many reasons." I purred at him.

Once we were all settled, Eddie called out "Let's tell ghost stories!"

Any other time, I would have agreed instantly. Tonight, though... it just wasn't very appealing.

"How 'bout let's not." I called back.

"Aw, Rose. You're no fun anymore."

Mia cut in before I could respond. "Actually, I don't really want to tell ghost stories either, Eddie."

"Well, we have to do something. Right? We're not just going to be boring and go to sleep, are we?"

No one answered him for a minute. Then, Lissa spoke.

"Why don't we talk about what our lives will be like after graduation? It's getting closer, you know. And I know it all feels so far away, but I'd like to know what you guys want to do. You guys have become my family, and I don't want us to just drift away."

"I'm in." Mia said quietly. "I think it's something we do need to talk about. Especially since we moroi have to decide whether we're going to college or living at court, and you guardians have to, well, guard. Some of us may be able to request you guys."

"Yeah, if Tasha doesn't get to it first." I muttered.

"Well," Christian spoke up, "if Tasha gets to request a guardian, why can't I? I mean, I'm even dating the future queen. So I've technically got more reason than she does."

"Christian!" Lissa's voice came out a strangled squeak. "What did I tell you about keeping that secret?"

"Oh. Oops. Sorry Liss. But they're gonna find out sometime."

"Wow, Liss." I was impressed. And maybe a tiny bit jealous that she'd told Christian and not me.

"Rose, I just found out. Like, this afternoon. I was waiting to tell everyone – I mean, I'm not even sure I want to do this. And, anyway, there's an election. I'm not a shoe-in."

"Groomed by the Queen herself?" Christian broke in, "yeah, you will be. Anyway, how could they not love you?"

"For once Pyro is right," I told her, "there's no way you won't get elected. Oh my God! I'll be part of the royal guard! That is, if you request me."

"Don't be silly, Rose, of course I'll request you. And," she was getting excited now, "that means you don't have to be reassigned, Dimitri! The queen needs a bunch of guards, so it would never be just you two."

"I'd still feel more comfortable if we weren't guarding the same person, Lissa." Dimitri's deep voice was implacable.

"Yeah," I sighed, "me too. We'll just have to hope he gets someone at court."

"Or I could ask to be assigned to court. That's what I was planning to do, anyway."

"Yeah, but, then you wouldn't be able to go on trips with us. Or to college." Lissa sounded sad.

"I've got it!" Christian broke in, "why don't I ask for you? If they were going to give you to Tasha, they'd have to give you to me, right? And if they say I can't have you, then we can argue that Tasha can't either. That way she can't steal you away from Rose."

"Christian," I broke the silence, "I take back all the bad things I've said about you. You're brilliant, and I think I love you."

"Sorry, Rose," he snarked, "I'm already taken. You'll have to content yourself with my guardian."

We all burst out laughing.

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