Chapter 14: Rose POV

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It took a little longer than expected to sort out our clothes afterwards, since they had been scattered to the far corners of the room. How did that always happen, anyway? We finally sorted ourselves out, and arrived at the lounge, bags in hand, only a few minutes after the set time. Well, maybe more like ten.

"Guardian Belikov, late," smirked Alberta, "never thought I'd see the day." He blushed, which only made her grin wider.

'Hair.' Liss sent through the bond, and it was my turn to blush as I surreptitiously ran my fingers through my apparently obvious sex hair, trying to tame it.

Mom caught the motion and sent a death glare at Dimitri. He just leaned over and whispered in my ear: "I like your hair like that. It's sexy." I shivered at the feel of his breath on my neck. Mom glared harder, but we ignored her.

"Care to tell us what's going on?" Mom spat out.

Dimitri shrugged and stepped forward. "I got the idea from one of those silly TV shows that Rose likes to watch. We're all stuck in this room until we've done with explanations and are either fast friends or have killed one another. The bathroom is over there," he pointed, "and the kitchen is there. There are couches and pillows and blankets, as you see, and plenty of snacks." He grinned at me. "Kirova has Okayed it. Classes are cancelled until the end of break anyway. If they need us, they'll contact Alberta." She held up her phone.

"You're staying too?" I asked in surprise. She nodded.

"Someone has to give the 'authority figure' perspective from before Dimitri met you. I thought you might prefer me to Stan or Kirova."

"Hmm. Good point. So where's those snacks?"

Dimitri pointed to the table against the wall, and I grabbed a few bags – chips, popcorn, and M&Ms. And were those... "Donuts!" I squealed.

"Anything for you, Roza." Dimitri whispered.

I tossed a bag of M&Ms to Lissa and plopped down on a pillow. "Well? Let's get this party started."

Dimitri, Adrian, Lissa, Christian, and Eddie joined me after raiding the snacks table. Mom and Mobster Moroi sat down on the couch, grumbling, and I chucked a handful of popcorn at them.

"So, Old Man," I addressed the man sitting entirely too close to my mother, even if he was my long-lost father, "you got a name, or should I keep calling you 'Mobster Moroi'?"

Mom tensed, but he put a hand on her arm to restrain her. If I didn't know better, I'd say he was trying not to laugh.

"The name's Abe, kiddo," he drawled, "Abe Mazur."

"And I'm Rose." I held out my hand, and he hesitated only a second before he took it. "Pleased to meet you. I think." His eyes twinkled with suppressed mirth, and I couldn't help the smile that tugged at my lips. "Why do I get the feeling that this is the start of a long and beautiful friendship?" I asked rhetorically, shooting him my patented man-eater smile.

Mom groaned and put her head in her hands. "Because you're just like him."

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