Chapter Twenty-Six || Before it's too late

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Previously on " The Vlex "

"What the hell Marcus!?" Liam 's voice was raspy from the tiredness and from the days he didn't sleep due to his conscience that is hunting him down for knowing that his only friend that he betrayed is still alive and is the reason for everyone's death

"I'll explain to you later... but now we surely have to leave this place!" Marcus voice was barely heard from the loud noise the deafened their ears...

Marcus was completely worn out as his hand quivered whilst holding a gun and his torn grey v-neck t-shirt...

"Let's go" Alex said as he followed Marcus and made sure everyone was with them.


"Where the heck is eveyone!?" Rayan exclaimed as he ran his hand through his black dirty hair...

" Listen... The creatures entered the building and everyone is literally dying... we have to leave this place!" Marcus explained as he wiped the sweat from his forhead...

"But where should we go?" Alex said with unstable breath as he closed the door and they all sat in a small dark room with cleaning equipments...

"I know where we should go... but first... We have to get Malissa" Marcus whispered whilst nodding his head.

"But she's already dead!" Nita exclaimed as a tear left her red swallowed eyes...

"No she isn't " Alex whispered... he knew she isn't dead... he just knew...

"I won't go where The Vlex is!" Liam said as his voice shivered from anxiety...

He didn't want to go where The Vlex is... cause he knows the he'll kill him without even thinking.

"We should get her... she is our only chance for living !" Haley exclaimed

"I SAID NO!" Liam thundered angrily...

"Shut up all... we'll think about it later... Now we have to get out of here... Rayan , You and Casper will go to the control room through the tunnels and hack the system to let us out of here... Liam you Nita and Alex will go and get the guns and stuff from this room"-Marcus said as he pointed at the room on the map of the tablet-" Haley you supposed to be coming with me" Marcus ended his words with a sigh.

"So what are we waiting for guys? Let's go!" Rayan said with a smirk as he tapped Casper ' s back.


He didn't do it...

He wanted to kill her so badly though...
But something caught him... he couldn't do it to her...

He's watching her sleeping peacefully... she's so pure, so innocent ... she doesn't deserve all of this...

But he doesn't care about feeling sorry... he killed nearly all people...

There is just a bond between them... and he didnt know why...

He walked towards her dirty figure and kneeled on knee... her wide eyes are closed peacefully as she exhaled...

He touched her red shiny hair... it felt so good between his large hands... his hand slipped to her white shiny cheeks...

This is so wrong... he thought to himself... but he liked it...

He didn't love her... but he felt attached to her... she was like an Angel that he is ashamed to look at...

She is ruining everything... everything he has ever planned of revenge...

How could she pop out of no where and flip his world upside down?

He removed his hand from her as soon as he saw the green mark started to appear on his hand...

He looked out of the window... It was the full moon... he can't control The Vlex on full moon...

If he stays here he'll kill her...he'll rip her throat with one hand...

He have to leave before he'll loose control... and so he did... before it's too late

And so Malissa was left alone trapped carelessly between four wall... but little did she know that she was trapped in her own thoughts.


A/N: Hey guys! I'm really really sorry for not being on my schedule but exams are pain in the asś... but hopefully I'll make it up to you...

I'll try to update more often and I don't know if I could be on the schedule!





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