Chapter Fifteen || Welcome Mystery Girl

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Previously on "the Vlex":

He turned and looked to the dusty mirror as he wiped it out...

This isn't you!... his demon spoke in his head...

You need revenge!!!!!... the demon screamed... and The Vlex was seen in the mirror in front of Jason...

This.Is.You! ... And now Jason was screaming with anger, or should I say The Vlex ... He walked towards the closet and pulled and red shirt with a blue jeans... He planned what he wanted to do in his mind... He is going to get The Pure


"This is it" Nita Breathed as she wiped the sweat from her forehead

"This is it? This is a kind of smashed building full of sand" Malissa said confused as she took a deep breath

"Just wait and you'll see mystery girl" Nita smirked as she completed walking towards the building...

Malissa groaned as she followed Nita whilst stumbling through the golden sand.

"What is this place?" Malissa breathed heavily as she looked around the dark place.

"This place my dear is...First Canadian Place...It was the tallest building in Canada from 1975 till 2017... its height was 355 meters to tip... it was first build in 1975 and it was ruined even before The Vlex... It was ruined in the World War Four in 2045..." Nita said as she roamed the place...

" wow... you know a lot" Malissa said with astonishment...

"wait until you see Casper...Ahh here it is" Nita exclaimed as she pushed the red button... when she pressed that very button the sand under there tiny feet started to move promptly as they stumbled

" Get back quickly!" Nita let out a scream as they both ran backwards...

" what's happening?!" Malissa exclaimed with a panic in her tone as her heart pounded hard

The sand started decreasing under them it's like someone is vacuuming it from under the ground...

"you'll see" Nita said as she walked towards the hurricane of sand...

" What the heck are you doing!?" Malissa screamed at Nita angrily

The ground under them started moving unstoppably... Malissa couldn't do anything , she couldn't see Nita due to smoke from the sand... and she couldn't hear either from the vibration of the ground... she closed her ears and her eyes too...

And everything went silent...

"Malissa...Malissa! Come here" Nita whispered as she waved for her to come

Malissa was quivering hard as she walked towards Nita, and she saw stairs from were the sand should be

"Come on!"Nita smiled as she started walking down the stairs

"What are you doing?! I'm not going down... it's so dark!" Malissa said with a worried tone

"Well stop being pain in the arse and get the heck here!" Nita said as she pointed to the ground beside her

" You don't watch movies!? Dark places leads to dead people! And I don't want to experience the danger of death again!" Malissa groaned with a straight face

"There is nothing down here... don't be such a silly girl! Or I'll leave you here" Nita said as she started to turn

Malissa didn't have any choice but following her...

Sometimes Nita acts like six years old girl and sometimes she acts like grown up woman, and that made Malissa go crazy

" If I die I'm gonna kill you" Malissa hissed into Nita's ear as the both went down the dark grey stairs.

"Okay..." Nita groaned as she rolled her eyes even though she didn't see her in the dark

"Liam...Casper... Haley! "Nita started calling through the halls ... as they completed walking through the corridors...

"How could they be here? this place is hunted" Malissa whispered as she hit Nita's shoulder tenderly

"Shut up-" Nita couldn't finish her sentence, as a noise echoed in the dark hall, they both snapped their heads from where the noise came.

I'm gonna die ... Malissa kept thinking unstoppably

"Who's there?" Nita's voice cracked as they both stumbled back as the noise got louder

And in no time they barely saw from the dark a figure jumping towards them. They both let out a piercing screams as they closed their eyes hard waiting for the figure to bump them to the ground...

But they only heard people laughing hard... Nita opened her eyes to see Liam with his mesmerising laugh...

"Liam!" Nita exclaimed as she gave him a hug as the rest of the boys laughed

Malissa opened her eyes as she put her hand towards her heart and breathed in relief, but then she stood their awkwardly as Nita hugged the others

"who is she ? " Liam whispered to Nita as he eyed Malissa with his beautiful blue eyes...

" Oh Guys ! I want you meet the Mystery girl-" Now all the five boys' eyes with raised eyebrows were on Malissa and that made her blush as she looked towards her shoes, Nita made her so embarrassed Mystery Girl?

"This is Liam"- Malissa took a look at him, she admits that he is one of the most beautiful guys she's ever seen even though he looks so sick with black bags under his eyes and with pale skin but with his golden short curly hair , blue shiny eyes, hard jaw... she couldn't remove her eyes from him

" This is Casper the genius one"- This boy is red headed with freckles and pale skin with beautiful nerdy glasses, and beautiful shy smile that made him so cute even though he has a tall figure

"Here is Rayan"- Nita pointed to a kind of Japanese boy maybe in her age, his hair is dark black, with his Japanese eyes that made him special... he is good looking

"And Last but not least Alex"- This guy caught Malissa's attention he has something strange, build figure ,dark golden hair, blue eyes... and a tattoo on his right hand , looks like a snake...

Alex walked towards her with a smile

"welcome Mystery Girl"


THIS is the tallest chapter!! Ever!!!
Until now ; )

So press the big star!!! And comment aboyt the new cast... check the cast so you can know who they are

To me it's Daniel Sharman(Liam Mendes)

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