Chapter Four|| Unraveled

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Previously on "The Vlex"

Something strange caught her attention old Disc... written on it " For Malissa"...

I found it... she thought to herself and stood...

She walked towards the old full of dust television...and put the disc on it... and the view of her parents appeared.


" Hey my dear... we were sure that you will find this disc-" her mother said with a tender smile... but her eyes were full of unbearable expressions... whereas her dad just sat beside her dearest mother looking to no where

"-by now...-y-your watching this means w-were dead" her father said between coughs... they were sick

" Back when you were sixteen... we all know that the world turned upside down because of the experiment that your dad was in in the ECOW... umm they forced the world...well rest of the world to take a test to see if anyone was a pure... and a pure means that their blood is fresh...that it is against the vlex...the vlex isn't just a disease...and the only request that we're asking you is to run away from ECOW since they will use your blood to find the cure... but you're the only one will be left since according to your dad's calculations they'll be run away from ECOW and the vlex..." her mother finally finished with a sigh... they were barely going to cry but they put on a brave face...whilst Malissa's hands were on her mouth shivering from that blown impact... she thought they were done but her father completed between coughs

" If you were w-wondering about how we knew...I -I faked your test... to save you..a-and then w-we ran to here... Malissa life by now changed a lot so take care... don't t-touch our d-dead bodies...since they'll come and if they saw how the house is organised and the bodies are vanished they'll know that you are here...j-just take your necessary stuff a-and s-stay alive my d-dear" her father coughed one last time as they both said their last words in the video

"We'll always love you"

And the video vanished...Malissa gasped as the video made disturbing sound...

She held her breath since the shock really made an effect at her.

"Mom...Dad?" She muttered shocked...

She stayed still for five minutes...

Then suddenly she held the box that was the disc in it and through it angrily towards the television.

"Why!?" She cried as she stood with a huge frown on her face...

"Why me!?!" She screamed with wide eyes

She never thought that her life could turn upside down in a blink of an eye.

Could this be a dream? She thought to herself as she started to pinch herself

"Why am I not waking up!?" She cried as she shook her head

Be logic Malissa... You can't deny the truth... never ever... my parents are gone to heaven... and I just have to leave now... Malissa's mind was going to blow because of the million thoughts that are going through her mind... and the one main question was... Where should I go?


The masked men roamed every single inch in the house after they had found the two lifeless body laying hopelessly on their bed...

"Sir... there isn't any one in here" the masked man removed his mask as he looked at the long build figure in front of him

"Let me check for any clues" his thick Australian accent echoed through the empty house as he put on his gloves...

"Just let me check alone... don't let anyone in " he whispered to the young man beside him.



Hope your loving the story so far!! If your confused or anything about not understanding any thing in this story just comment what you dont understand!!

And i'll see you on Monday!!

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