Chapter Two || Seventh Pure

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P.S: I will put Four covers (A , B ,C & D) on each chapter and you should choose the one you loved or if you love the current one ( comment " The Current One" ) I will see your result next Wednesday!!!!

The pic on the side is Cover (A)


Previously on " The Vlex"

" We will fetch for the seventh pure... and if we'll find him or her I guess we can find the cure" the young man said as if it is a piece of cake

"You think it's simple?" Cristopher hissed angrily

"UNDERSTAND IT!!! I.TURNED.HIM!!!!!!THERE'S NO CHANCE!!!! " Cristopher thundered angrily and left the room with shocked faces.


"Mom, why can't I go outside?" The sixteen years old Malissa questioned the same question every day... she asks sadly as her mother brushed her red shiny hair tenderly.

"Cause there are so many bad people outside dear... you don't want to get hurt right?" Her mother keeps saying in a playful sound not to hurt Malissa's feelings even though she is old back then... But the only answer she always blow out is nodding her head slowly as her beautiful big eyes water in sadness

Now Malissa is nineteen years old and she is still hiding... But she doesn't even know why ...her parents never told her And that's a bad thing... cause she has that deep urge sometimes to run away from their very tiny house deep in the woods and start running forever...

She wants freedom that's the only thing she wants... freedom... but little does she know that outside is absolutely opposite of freedom...

She watches how the rain fall helplessly as she sits beside her window... and she even sees her parents slowly dying... from the disease... Malissa is good as ever cause she is the pure...and contains the cure and she doesn't even know that

But she sits down as her parents groan in pain and throw up blood in front of her... but she is hopeless she needs help... she need to help her parents...

She cries every night as she hears her parents scream in pain...

And in their very last day the screams stops... that made Malissa gasp in anxiety.

Were they dead? She thought... her heart pounds million times a second as she walked to their room...

She pressed her hand towards the golden icy handle as she turns it slowly and the cracking sound of the door cracked out loud...

She peeked through the door to see blood everywhere the ground, the the chair and even the bed... Malissa closed her eyes tight as she stops dead silent in her place.

"Malissa" she hears a wince from behind the door and she knew that it was her mother's voice.

She was so frightened to see their faces... as she stayed in her place hoping that the earth will swallow her...

"Come h-here...P-please" her mother cried quietly... that last word made Malissa shiver as hurtful tear fell across her white shiny cheek.

But she has to answer her mother before she dies... So she opened the door to reveal her father's dead body laying beside her mother's barely living one on the bed...

Malissa backed away terrified... Her father is dead... tears were streaming down her face by now...

"M-mom" Malissa's voice cracked in horror... she tore her eyes from her father's dead body and looked at her mother as she saw her waving to Malissa to walk towards her...

Malissa walked towards her mother slowly and bend beside her bed

"Mom please don't leave m-me" Malissa cried as she held her mother's hand and kissed her knuckles

"Oh dear... you're mature n-n-now ... but y-you have t-to know... Dear don't trust anyone... ECOW are fetching for you...R-run away D-dont let them catch you" Her mother barely spoked as she took a very deep breath

"Why? What did I do?" Malissa cried

"Because you're a...y-you're a p-pure" Her mother uttered her last words... and took a deep breath and her soul gave up in pain

"Mom! What does that mean?! What is a pure!?!?Mom don't leave me alone please!!!"Malissa cried frustrated as she shook her mother's lifeless body

Than Malissa took a deep breath as she backed away from the two dead bodies

"No!No!No!"she cried as she ran away from the room and headed towards the deserted woods

She ran as if her life depends on it...

Who am I? She thought in pain

She couldn't believe her precious parents left her life... they left her alone...

But then it hit her and she stopped dead in her place...

She started stepping backwards slowly and turned back to her home...hoping she will find the answer.


Chapter two is officialy here!!!

Her Parents are dead?!?! Dan dan daann

Will she find the answer!? Dan dan dann

We'll see on Wednesday!!!

Hope this Chapter is better then the first one though

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