Chapter Five|| One Word

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Previously on "The Vlex"

"Sir... there isn't any one in here" the masked man removed his mask as he looked at the long build figure in front of him

"Let me check for any clues" his thick Australian accent echoed through the empty house as he put on his gloves...

"Just let me check alone... don't let anyone in " he whispered to the young man beside him.


HIS hands roamed the broken television as he frowned... it felt warm...

Someone was definitely here... He thought as he saw another small box in the corner of the hideous room... dust ate this thing

He walked towards the box below and held it... he tenderly blew on the box and opened it...

The box was full of pictures... and not any pictures... they were Malissa's...

Picture of Malissa when she was a baby... a picture when she was riding the bike... a picture when she was climbing the tree... and a picture that caught his eye... a grown up picture of Malissa ..she was wearing that light red dress that made her white skin color shiner...

He felt something suspicious...Where is this beautiful girl?... he thought as he smiled to the picture...

There was no body here except those two dead bodies... is she dead? ... Those thoughts never left his mind...

" Sir Marcus... Did you find anything?" A masked man entered the room...

Marcus quickly hid the box and the image of Malissa was kept in his hand... he hid the picture behind his back

"Erm... Nothing" He nodded his head as he raised his eyebrows and walked toward the man

"Hey sir Marcus?" The young man said as they both walked out of the room

" Just call me Marcus..." Marcus said as he put his hands inside his front pocket of his black pants with picture inside the pocket

" yeah...Marcus...Erm... I know your young in young to do this job... but I know your radiant... do you really think there is a seventh pure?" The young man said curiously with his eyebrows lifted

" Yes Jack... yes... undoubtedly " Marcus said as he nodded his head and pulled the picture of Malissa from his pocket feeling suspicious


He raised his large snaky hands furiously and slashed the young black widow's neck as the warmth of her blood fulfilled his needs dripping down his mixed green hand...

He looked at his hideous slithery hands... he ducked his head with frown embracing his viscous face... dazzled glances of his epoch flashed through his eerie eyes that are ineffable... his hands turned back to normal... his scaly face turned back to those heart stopping glances that used to catch every girl's attention... his naked built body shuddered unruly from the slight of the autumn breeze and from anxiety...

How could this happen? How did this happen , to that personable stunning young man? He knew how.. but he wanted to know why...

And he'll know why even if takes to kill every single person in this whole wide world... he wont lose anything... he already lost everything ... and the only word that never left his mind is ... 'revenge'


Tadaaa Chapter Five is here!!!!

It is getting better right? ... no? ...okay

So if you want to know who is Marcus !!! Check the cast!!!! He is literally HOT!

So hope your loving the story so far!!!

Comment your reactions!!! I'd love to see/read them!!!!!!!!!!


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