Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven_

I look between both of the boys.

"So who is it? I just need to know... I can't keep doing this and you know that. I love you both, but it's time to choose."

Tears slowly creeped into my eyes. I don't know if I can do this.. They are both so perfect.

Jack and Finn eye each other and Finn slowly starts to glare, a possessive look in his eyes.

Jack stands there, his hands by his side. He cracks each knuckle.






The back of my neck is starting to sweat and I honestly don't know how much longer I can go on with this and the boys look like they wanna fight.

Oh Lord, Sweet Baby Jesus. Please don't let them fight.

The silence thickens between us. If neither of them can "confess" their love, I guess neither of them actually loves me that much.. It makes me start to think. What am I to them? There are millions of girls vying for their attention and they fight over me...?

Now that doesn't seem right.

The wheels start turning in my head and I slowly, slowly try to put answers together.

Jack and Finn just keep staring at each other.

Finn puts his head down and scratches the back of his neck and Jack taps his foot. They still haven't said anything...

I'm literally so confused and I keep thinking.

What good am I to them? Why do thy want me? I mean sure I've got decent hair and a face that isn't hideous to look at... But why do they care? I mean they have freaking Zoella as their friend.

Finally, it clicks. Or at least it clicks for me.

They want me to put in a good word for them with Tumblr.

Tumblr is a world wide website. Millions, maybe even billions of people go on the site all the time. And I am part of who controls what goes on the site.

I will help control the future developments of Tumblr. Everything.

And they want in.

They either want my job, the money I'm making, or perhaps manipulating me into updating, uploading, and adding pictures of them. It creates more fans, they become even bigger, and Jack and Finn will be even more popular then Jenna Marbles.

I must have been standing there for 5 minutes because Finn suddenly taps my arm.

"Where you listening to me?" He asks gently.

Such a sweet boy. I would love to just kiss his lips one more time. But then i fall for their trap. That's what this is.


"Jess? Love, are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost!!" Finn puts his hand on my shoulder and walks closer to me.

I almost let him. I almost let him slowly put his arms around me like he has so many times before. I almost let him kiss my cheek. I get butterflies every time he nears me, but not this time.

This time, my blood boils.

"Get away from me." I say softly. It's calm and quiet, but it's a warning. And warning that he will not like what happens next if he keeps his hand on my shoulder for one more second.

Finn (A Jack and Finn Harries FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now