Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three_

Jack and I came back downstairs a few hours later to have lunch with the others. I attempted to push my hair out of my face, but it was very tangled from Jacks hands running through it. I flushed a bit embarrassed at the last hours and smiled to myself.

Jack was a very good kisser.

Everyone eyes us with amused smiles and I turned an even darker shade of red and sat down in the booth.

We all ordered and Zoe and I chatted while Alfie and Jack spoke with another man named Jim about futbol. Louise and another women named Tanya who was engaged to Jim talked about make-up materials and I smiled as I looked around at us. I felt so safe and wanted. It was nice to finally have a few girl friends to hang out with and not have to devote my time to my date because he had other friends.

"Why don't we all go to the pool?" Zoe said cheerily.

Everyone agreed and I walked swiftly up to my room trying to figure out how I could get out of swimming. It wasn't that I was afraid of water or anything, but I didn't want to wear a swim suit in front of Jack.

Jack came into the room behind me, happily and smiled at me. I gave a half hearted smile back and he looked confused.

"What's wrong?" He asked genuinely concerned.

"I think I'm coming down with something..." I lied softly.

"You were fine just a few minutes ago."

"I know... But now I feel bad. I think I'll stay here."

"No Jess you have to come with us! What's REALLY wrong?"

How did he know... I always thought I was a pretty good liar when I needed to be.

"It's uhhhh..."

"The suit."

I looked up at him in amazement.

"How did you know?"

"I just figured since why else would you not wanna come. And Jess it's fine! None of us care how you look and you're really pretty, inside and out."

"That was really cheesy but i guess..."

I changed into my suit and threw my cover-up on. We met everyone down at the car and drove slowly enjoying the breeze, to the beach.

It was packed and I felt overwhelmed, but being with all of the others made me feel a bit better.

Soon teenagers started coming up to out group and asking for autographs

I felt a bit awkward, but I kept myself preoccupied by playing Temple Run and pretending to be texting. My friends were so nice to everybody and jack kept looking over his shoulder to make sure I was ok.

I didn't want to be jealous, but I sorta wished I could have attention like that... Finally Jack came over and knelt beside me.

"You okay love?" He said rubbing his hand over my mine.

"Yeah I'm fine! Great." I said trying my best to act chipper.

Jack gave me a "look" and sat down next to me. "If you don't want me to keep signing I don't have to."

I gaped at him, "I'm not that selfish!!! Go ahead it's totally fine."

He smiled at me and I noticed his lips were still swollen from all of our Kissing and I smiled.

"Really Jack!! It's fine. Go on!"

Jack stood up which attracted more girls and they rushed over to us.

"Are you dating?"

"What's your name?"

"She isn't even as pretty as me!"

"She's an American."

"Woah you guys are so cute together!!"

"Ew fattie."

I grimaced. It stung but I figured I should be the better person.

"Hello everybody! My name is Jessica Lynn. I'm just Jacks friend."

There were waves, eye rolls, and smiles and I chuckled. Jacksgap fans were crazed, but still sweet.

I ended up answering more questions and taking pictures the rest of the day and Jack looked on in approval.

3 hours later we hadn't even gotten in

The water yet and I was pooped.

"Let's go get a smoothie?" I asked Jack softly after the crowd of girls had die down.

"Sure." Jack said taking my hand and we made our way down the beach to the concessions.

After paying for a mango smoothie and ice cream come we sorta merrily skipped down the beach singing the Wizard of Oz. I was laughing and going way too fast when Jack stopped abruptly. I slid forward in the sand, but caught myself just before I fell.

I looked up and saw Jack staring at something, and so I tried to gaze in the direction his eyes were going in. I scanned the beach and then I gasped.

Finn (A Jack and Finn Harries FanFic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora