Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen_

I stared at Finn.

"How did you know?" I whispered.

"When I walked into the room you had this indent in your lips and I recognized it from when I kissed you. " Finn stated.

I started to cry. Blubbering like a baby is more like it.

"Shush, shush. It's ok baby." Finn said patting my arm and I started to gasp, crying harder and harder. I couldn't see very well through my tears but I heard Finns door close and I figured he had left me for good. My door was opened and I felt my seatbelt unbuckled and I was lifted out of the car. Finn cradled me in his arms and took out a key and opened my front door. He carried me down to my room and laid me on the bed and I sobbed into my pillow.

"I'm- SO- soooo- rry Finn." I said. He rubbed my back and lifted my chin up to face him.

"It's ok Jess, it's fine." He smiled at me and I stopped wailing and let the tears silently stream down my face. Finn held my head up and I crawled onto his chest. I continued to cry.

"I don't know, I'm some sort of slut kissing both of you and I don't know why. I don't know who I like." I said into his chest. Finns hands swirled circles into my hips and I started to relax.

"I know, I know. It's ok Jess." Finn said again and he kissed my forehead.

"I'm sorry I've hurt you." I said.

"I want you to love me Jess. Because I'm pretty sure I like you. ALOT." Finn said I to my hair.

I smiled against him and inhaled his scent.

His Axe was a soothing scent and I looked up at him.

"Thank you Finn." And I reached up to lightly kiss his cheek.

"No." Finn said and pulled away.

I looked down and a fresh tear left my eye and fell onto his jeans.

"No, Jess. Come here. You missed you idiot." And Finn softly held my cheek am pressed his lips to mine.

My stomach erupted in butterflies and my heart picked up pace. I could hear wedding bells ringing and I felt so scared, excited, and nervous all at the same time.

Finn must have felt my heartbeat because he smiled against our kiss and pulled my closer.

We didnt make out, didnt become aggressive but slowly kissed. It was soft, shy. Nothing like me and Jacks kiss. I pulled away and smiled at Finn and we pressed our foreheads together.

"I liked that." Finn breathed.

"Me too." I said giggling.

"I should probably get going..."

"No Stay!!"


"Oh. Ok. Bye Finn."

"Bye Jess"

A firm kiss was pressed to my forehead and Finn tucked me into bed and kissed my cheek again and turned the light off.

"See you tomorrow love." I heard Finn say and I smiled.

Outside I heard his car come to life and I closed my eyes.

As I dozed off, the only thing on my mind was the beautiful boy who just kissed me, his scent was still on the sheets and I curled up dreaming about him.



AWWWWW I LOVE THIS CHAPTER!!! I love Finn and Jess like ALOT! They are so cute together. So I don't really like write once a week or anything but update randomly so I dunno when ill update next!

Ill be in the shower and like "OHMIGOD!! I have a new idea for Finn and Jess!"

Or eating a banana.

"Oh no, this is totally gonna affect my Finn story." And then I start crying....

JUST KIDDING!!! But keep commenting cause you guys may affect who Jessica ends up with(;

Follow me on Instagram @tayla_curtis

Ok bye now!!!

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