Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four_

(I tried to update but it's out of order and my phone's being stinking but I figured you all would want another chapter so it's out of order... ): sorry guys!! )

I stared open mouth at the sight before me...

It was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my entire life.

She was tall, with dark brown hair that reached just below her shoulders, pin straight and glossy. She had a perfectly shaped face with high cheek bones and ocean blue eyes, rosy red lips, and only a touch of sparky white eyeshadow.

She was thin, yet curvy, and walked with a hipster-touch to her. She was wearing short jean shorts with holes in the sides and a star spangled top, that was tied at the front showing a small amount of skin.

Her tall figure walked towards us on the beach and I gulped slightly because walking next to her was Finn.

My heart nearly pounded out of my chest from envy, desire, and pure fright. Finn looked furious and the girl next to him looked too perfectly lovely and I started to turn and run, but Jack grabbed my arm.

"We needed to face him sooner or later, Jess. We mine as well do it now!" He whispered in my ear.

"Not here though. Not in front of all these people. And especially not in front of her." I answere back ignorantly.

"Jess. Don't worry about her. Finn and her are friends. Her name is Nicole Hardy and she's one of the most famous YouTubers out there. Her boyfriend is Connor Franta. She lives in L.A. so don't worry about her liking Finn or anything he probably brought her just for show."

Finn and Nicole reached us and I tried to remain positive. Nicole was a Barbie doll and here I was... me. And the worse part was that she was with Finn. MY FINN...

"Hello Jess." Finn said cooly. Smirking at me as he gave me a once over.

My cheeks turned crimson and I looked at the ground before mumbling "Hi Finn."

Jack attempted to look cheerful and tried to act like nothing was wrong.

"FINN!! I wasn't expecting you to show! And oh Nicole how good to see you. We should catch up soon." He said a bit too happily.

Nicole laughed. It was music to the ears, but there was a sense of evil in it to me... What's with her.

Finn looked at me the whole time, yet responded to Jack with ease. It was the most uncomfortable encounter I had ever been in.

"So Nicole, how about you get to know Jess, while I have a word with Jack." Finn said and grinned at me.

"Oh of course Finn!" She said patting him on the arm.

"So, are you a YouTuber too?" She asked as she grabbed my arm and walked us down the beach away from the boys.

"Oh no.. I just came with Jack." I responded quietly.

"To get away from Finn right?" She said.

I wondered if I could trust her. She seemed nice enough and maybe her snooty attitude was just first impressions. I decided that I mine as well be kind to the girl because I needed all the friends I could get.

"Honestly, I was trying to run way from Finn. He's way too ridiculous and Moody. I can't quite handle it and Jack is so much nicer and easier to be around."

"Oh I see." She said quietly. "Who's the Better kisser?!!" She said giggling after a moment and I felt just like it was old times with my friends from back home.

I laughed and then sighed. Who WAS the better kisser...? Hmm. Seeing as how Finn's a moron, Jack seems better.

"Jack. He's an excellent kisser."

"So you've kissed him alot? Like how many times?"

For someone I just met she sure was pushy.

"Oh umm I dunno. Alot. I mean we made out for a while earlier today, I guess I just needed someone to love me." I sighed, remembering the Earlier events.

"Oh I see. Well my boyfriend Connor is great!" And then she went on about him for 10 more minutes.

Jack called down to us and we walked back towards the brothers and I saw Finn wink at Nicole. She smiled back and him and then gave me a sickly sweet grin.

I wondered what they were up to...

Jack talked to both of them a bit more and then we said good bye and walked back towards Zoe and the rest of our mates. I had had enough beach for a day and I was still confused about Nicole.

We decided to drive back to the hotel and after showering up and deciding to eat down in the restaurant on the bottom floor we ran into Nicole, Finn, and who I assumed was Connor by the way the two looked at each other.

I was forced to dine with them, and i sat down... Right next to Finn...

We all ordered and everyone joked around and made fun with each other. I sat quietly, as did Finn.

Finally, he whispered in my ear, "so you made out with my brother?"

I pulled away from him and looked at him wide eyed. Then I narrowed my eyes and looked towards Nicole and Connor.

Standing up, I grabbed Nicole by the hair.

"You son of a bitch!"


Thank you for all the reads!!!!! (: I hope you are all enjoying this as much as I am writing it. If you want to see what Nicole looks like, go on Instagram @coleyoly5 !! She is my new addition to the story and she's amazing!!!!! Ok thanks all (:.

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