twenty three

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This book is almost over actually I think there will only be 1/2 more chapters and an epilogue :( , It has been so much fun to write this and I hope you are enjoying reading it so far. I hope you enjoy this chapter, don't forget to vote/comment if you enjoyed it! Also I am not 100% sure how graduation works , I am just assuming from the the research I have done. 

Louis' pov

It has been about a week since the food poisoning incident and Graduation is just around the corner. I am currently out with Harry walking home after buying his gown. Ever since the other day he has been acting very strange, he got a phone call two days ago which must have been important considering he answered when we were.. well you know, anyway and ever since that phone call he has become very..fidgety.

"Louis are you sure you want to come to graduation? It will probably be really boring.. I don't even think I want to go " Harry was playing with the strings on his hoodie which I know he does when he is nervous about something.

"Of course I'll come! Harry, I am not going to force you to go but I think you should. This will be the last time that you will be surrounded by people you have spent so many years with!"

"But why would I want to sit in a room full of people that I never really got along with?' 

You might have never been friends with your fellow classmates or maybe you don't even know who half of them are but on this one day you will all have something in common. You are all done, you are free and have a life ahead of you. Right now you might not want too but who knows, when you are 60 years old you could be drinking a cup of tea and just be wondering what it would be like to walk down the aisle and receive your diploma, you can't turn back time Haz, this will be the only chance you'll get" 

I took ahold of Harry's trembling hand and gently squeezed it. After a short moment of silence he replied, "That was a very convincing speech Lou, yes it is true that I barley know most of my year group but this is my only chance and I would rather do it and maybe regret it in the future than not do it and regret it knowing I can't go back in time."

I pulled him into me and whispered into his ear gently, "I'll be there."

He wraps his arm around my waist, stops and looks into my eyes. It could just be my eyes playing up but he looks kind of guilty? 

He finally says something filling the empty silence. 

"You always are."

I wasn't sure how to reply not wanting to ruin the moment so I just kissed his forehead and continued our walk back to the apartments. 

"Do you have any plans for college or are you going to take a gap year?" Seeing how this caused Harry to become very fidgety again I instantly regretted it and changed the topic quickly. 

Harry yawned and I looked over at him and he looks exhausted. 

"You tired love?"

 "Mhm" he mumbles into my shoulder.

I release Harry from my grasp and bend down slightly, "climb on, I'll carry you back home we are only a few minutes away babe"

Gratefully he climbs onto my back, wrapping his legs around my torso and one of his arms is draped loosely around my neck and the other hand rests in my hair.

The rest of the way back is pretty quick and before you know it Harry is taking a quick nap on the sofa while I pop over to Niall's to play fifa. 


"GOAL!" I shout while jumping up from my spot on the sofa. 

Over these past few weeks Niall and I have become surprisingly close and he is a great friend. I enjoy hanging out with him and I am sure he likes the company considering he has the whole place to himself. 

I felt my phone vibrate and felt around in my pockets to find it. I had a text from Harry.

From : Haz<3

Hi boo, where are you I miss you and I am hungry.

I chuckled and typed out a reply before putting my phone back into my pocket and standing up. 

"Niall, Harry wants me to come back to our room do you want to come too?"

"Nah I'm going to go to that cafe down the road, have a good night and stay safe" Niall winked and followed me over to the door.

"Alright bye mate"

"Bye Lou"

I chuckled to myself as I walked across to my room. 

"Hey Haz, what did you want for dinner then?" I then walked over to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.


I dropped the glass on the floor in shock. 

"e-excuse me?"

"Nah I'm just kidding Lou, whatever you fancy but lets make it quick because I am tired and I am not sleeping without you next to me"

"Aw Harry" 

I ran over and tackled him into a hug which clearly took him off guard. Finally releasing him from my grasp I stroll over to the closet and grab our jackets before chucking one at Harry and putting on my own. He looked at me in confusion, "Lets eat out, plus Niall told me that he is going to some cafe down the road so we could go check it out?"

"alright boo"

I reached out for him to take my hand and lead him out the door. I really do love him and I think my whole world would fall apart without him by my side. 

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