twenty two

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Hiya, its my birthday today aye, I am now 14 plus my friend got me a 1d card so thats good :) This chapter might be quite short but I am not sure yet.

Well actually its now april 3 so its not my bday anymore but i wrote this yesterday and thought it posted but it clearly didn't aha

enjoy! ,

Niall's pov

"Hi , It's Niall Horan with a new video. Sadly I couldn't be joined by Harry today because he is probably with his boyfriend so I am currently the third wheeler, but I have you guys so I'm not completely alone! Anyway todays video will be a ha-"


What the heck? I am going to keep recording though because this should be interesting. 

"Louis? What the hell are you on about? and how did you get in?"

"I took Harry's key and okay so I woke up earlier than Harry and thought I could cook us some breakfast, I made pancakes and they looked.. alright, however I think some of the ingredients must have been out of date but because I am stupid I thought it would be fine so I gave them to Harry for breakfast, he was sick and he keeps throwing up, has bad diarrhoea and fever like symptoms, WHAT SHOULD I DO?"

"Oh my this is priceless, okay so lets take Harry to the hospital but hang on let me just grab my camera I want to vlog about this"

"Hurry up my boyfrriend could be dying"

Wow Louis does not know how to handle simple things, I bet Harry is fine but then again Louis cannot cook to save his life based off the information Liam told me so I think a hospital check up would be necessary.

I grabbed my camera and followed Louis out of my room after locking the door and headed my way to the carpark where I would meet Louis and Harry. 

"Alright guys so apparently Harry's boyfriend attempted to make him breakfast and caused Harry to be sick so we are taking him to the hospital because Louis thinks he may have given Harry food poisoning, but don't worry I will be filming the whole experience because this will be amusing to look back on. 

Louis' pov

I hurried back to my room and by the sounds of it I don't like Harry is feeling any better. 

"Harry Love, Niall and I are going to take you to the hospital just come to the door and I'll carry you down"

I have no idea how I am supposed to carry Harry considering he is much taller but he is also very light so I should be able to manage. 

I scooped him up into my arms and he clinged onto me muttering things that I couldn't quite understand. 


Harry has fallen asleep and I am just sitting here playing with his hair while we wait for the doctor to come back in. Niall has been filling practically everything that has happened so far and I am assuming that he is going to upload it to his youtube and Its cool because he is allowing me to be in it too!

The doctor came back telling us that Harry will be fine he just needs to keep hydrated and get lots of rest and if the symptoms progress to come back for further treatment. He put Harry in a wheelchair because he is very weak at the moment, I wheeled him out to the car and strapped him up ready to go.



Hi again, sorry this isn't very good I've been super busy and I wasnt sure what to write but I hope this is alright ! 

don't forget to vote and comment!

love u , bye!

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