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AE1! Enjoy homies J


My legs swayed beneath me as I walked down the steps. My hands shook violently. I ambled out the doors of the entrance hall. Silent tears streaming down my cut and bruised face. I was going to die – no this was worse than death. I was going to be erased from history; memory; thought; existence. I was going to be gone from the universe.

“Willow! Psst! Over here.” Someone called. Their face was covered by a veil as they peered at me from behind a corner.

“I’m busy.”

“Don’t be a dickhead.” They said exasperatedly. “You’re about to die, just let me talk to you first.”

Startled, I walked over to the person.

“Who are you? How do you know?”

“Come over here.” She pulled me by my arm to a place more concealed. It was behind half a knocked over wall. She pulled off the dark veil and stared at me. She was familiar, but unfamiliar. “Do you understand now?”

“No. What the fuck, you’re wasting my time –“

“Willow, for fuck’s sake. I’m you.”

I stared at the woman’s face.

“No you’re too old to be me.”

“Bitch. I am you.”

“No. My day has been too confusing. Fuck it. I’m going to the forest –“

“Shut up and hear me out.”


“Right, I’m going to send you back in time, twenty three years. You get to live out some more of a life. And then, you come back here, right, on this day in this month at this time, and you then go to kill Voldemort.”

“Oh...No, I don’t get it.”

“Okay, dumbass, twenty three years ago, I was fighting in the battle of Hogwarts, when I found out that I was a blob of shit and had to die. And then, an older version of myself appeared and offered for me to go back in time. I’m giving you a gift, Willow. I’m granting you more time.”

“But I want more time here – with George and my family.”

“Get over it princess.” She jabbed me in the chest with her wand. “This is going to hurt.” She smiled grimly. “Now, try to stop this whole apocalypse thing from happening, would ya? Do a better Job than me!”


“The butterfly effect! Do dumb shit and form a better future. Don’t sleep with your parents. PRIORI GRACETIUM!”


I felt as though my entire body was being compressed. I was going to puke.

Suddenly it stopped, and I was standing in Hogwarts grounds. But the sky was a dark blue, glittered with stars. The building was intact. The air was fresh.

I, however, was still covered in blood, slime, dirt, and god-knows-what-else. I decided to check up on the Great Hall, just to see whether there was a line of dead bodies inside. What I saw...well, let’s just say it wasn’t quite what I expected.

About a thousand heads turned my way when I pushed open the double doors dramatically.

“Oh shit.” I said flatly as the entire staff stood up with their wands pointed toward me. “Um, I thought there were dead people in here?”

“Is that what you were intending to do?” Dumbledore(?) asked severely. There is a question mark there because his beard was a fair amount shorter. Oh, and you know. He dead. “Leave bodies lying across the hall?

The Other Potter: Book 7Where stories live. Discover now