We both stood in the hall facing each other for the first time in five days.

"You have to know that...I only did what I did because she made me. She kept telling me things about you that I knew were lies."

"You listened to her" I whispered with my head hung low, not able to meet his gaze.

First time talking in well over a week.

"I know...that's why I told her I didn't want to see her anymore."

I lifted my head to meet his eyes, "W-what? But you were happy weren't you?"

He lightly chuckled, "You must not know me well enough to know when I'm truly happy." He stepped closer and took me by the waist with one hand. My forehead pressed to his chest. I felt him hang his head so his mouth reached my ear, "I'm only happy when I'm with you Lori" he whispered. Bullshit. I saw him all giggly with her. "How did you even get here anyway?" I asked, trying to change the subject. He rest his chin on the top of my head. "I walked" he simply stated. "It's a twenty minute drive...and you walked" I clarified. "I had to see you" he mumbled.

Moments passed with silence. Marcel still had his hand on my waist and I still had my forehead against his chest. "Remember that day you told me that... if Summer isn't the girl for me, you'd help me with any other girl." I looked up at him, meeting his gaze, with a confused look and nodded. Oh gosh, there's another girl. I can't but feel a bit jealous because I really do like him. He laid his forehead against mine, our proximity decreasing. "I want you, Lori" he whispered. My heart swelled. He wants me? Of course he does, he said so! He leaned closer, "Help me" he mumbled against my lips. I gave a small smile before pressing my lips to his.

First time kissing in,what felt like, forever.

I laid my hands on his chest as we kissed. I wanted to stay this was forever, really. The best part was, he was himself. No 'Ramones' t shirt, no skinny jeans, no converse, no damn beanie. He came to me in his white button up and slacks, just the way I wanted him. Soon our tongues became entwined and left me dazed. Like seriously, my lady parts are on overdrive. I curled my fingers around his neck and brought him even closer. "What day is today?" I breathlessly asked. "Um...Wednesday." "Oh gosh." I once again connected our lips and jumped, wrapping my legs around his waist.

He held me under my thighs as he pressed me against the wall of the hall way. The kiss was still slow yet deep, our tongues massaging each others. I held his face between my hands as I gave my all into the kiss. It was so passionate, leaving my breathless. "Take me upstairs." His eyes widened but he still lightly nodded.

We slowly made our way up my staircase. It amazed me how he could practically multitask. Walk up my large stairs, heatedly kiss me and hold my fat ass up? JK I'm not fat, but still, he continues to impress me. We got to the top and he twisted the doorknob to a room. I pull away and look around. "This is my sisters bedroom" I giggle. I look into his eyes again, "Across the hall."

Once in my room he sat at the edge of my bed as I straddled him. We are definitely burning calories with all this kissing. He hesitantly laid his hands on my hips. I had no doubt that he didn't know where to place them. I pulled away with a small smile on my lips and he returned one. It dropped when I noticed his bruise under his eye. The one he got when Cory had punched him. There was no swelling, it was just dark. I lightly ran my thumb over it, "Marcel...I'm sorry" I whispered. He turned his head and kissed my palm, "It wasn't your fault." I leaned in and placed feather light kisses to the bruise. He fluttered his eyes closed as I continued my actions. I placed my lips on his in a soft kiss.

I want this.

As our lips moved together I unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off. He intently watched me as I ran my fingers over his chest and went further down. I lightly gasped when I reached his abdomen, the bruises hardly faded and it looks like another was placed there. I looked into his eyes that had started the glaze over. I acted fast, pulling my shirt of as well. I had nothing to show as Marcel did. I l lightly blushed as he gulped, his eyes never leaving my chest. I grabbed his hand and placed it on my chest, he gasped at the contact. I kissed him again, not wanting us to ever be apart.

It wasn't long after we both only had our underclothes on, under my blue sheets. He lie on top of me, his hands splayed either side of my head as he rested his weight on his forearms. "I've never done anything like this before." I smiled at his shyness, "Me neither." "You want to do this?" I nodded and placed my hand on his cheek, "I want you to be my first." He blushed and leaned his forehead against mine, "I want you to be mine."

We removed our last pieces of clothing before we became intimately connected.


I awoke the next day with my limbs entwined with Marcel's. I smiled at the memory of last night. By far the best Wednesday of my life. Even though his actions and movements were clumsy, I still enjoyed it. I have no basis of comparison anyway. He was slow and passionate.

We did it. We made love.

He worried a lot about my state of comfortableness more than his.

"A-are you okay? Am I hurting you?"

I giggled at his concern, "I'm fine."

It did hurt, bunches, but it was bearable. I watched on in amusement when soft whimpers and moans left his parted lips.

At one pointed when I felt a knot build in the pit of my stomach all things became incoherent. My vision was blurry and the sounds that were emitted from the male above me became inaudible.

I pressed my lips to his as my breathing eradicated and wrapped my legs tighter around his waist. I couldn't control it. Only one thing stuck out at the moment, the words that spilled from Marcel's mouth.

"I love YOU Lori" he panted "It's always been you."

His words sent me spiraling, wave after wave crashing upon me. My response? The shout of my release.

Now, here I lie the next day with him wrapped in my arms. I couldn't ask for more.

Oh crap! What time is it! I turned my head to check my alarm clock, 7:38. It's Thursday and we both now have to be at school. I shook him, "Marcel" I whispered. He grumbled but responded anyway, "Yeah?" "We have to be at school in like twenty minutes." He groaned and pulled me closer, "I don't wanna go" he whined. "Come on." "No, I rather stay here with you." I gave in and smiled.

So that's what we did, stayed in bed all day. Only time we got up was to eat but we always returned to this sacred ground.

A/n: Don't judge me *hides behind computer screen*. I'm not some freaky person that knows all about this stuff...because I don't. I mostly just got my info from several different stories that I've read before. Hope you guys enjoyed! Oh and yes...I did feel uncomfortable writing this.


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