"We have company. Your mother wants you to meet them as they will be crucial in the upcoming war," Rowan spoke business-like.

I let out a deflated sigh. My appearance was disgusting as I could smell my rotten clothing and my matted hair looked as if I were living in the wild. Rowan spared me one last glance, which I pretended to be completely oblivious to.

Four more bodies slipped through the doorway, into the musty cell. I did not fear their presence, instead I slammed my body against the slick wall that had captured the stench of my blood. I was still indeed bleeding from the bullet piercing my skin. I wondered how I had not bled out yet.

"Wow. She is indeed powerful, I can sense her strength from here. I cannot imagine what she must be like without the silver intoxicating her system," an unfamiliar woman's voice spoke.

I felt as if I were an animal on display to be prodded and provoked. I tried to calm down, but it proved to be impossible under such a scrutinizing circumstance.

"She is a fierce leader. Do you mind if we speak with her?" Another voice I did not recognize said.

"Of course. I will warn you, she is not in her most sane state," my traitorous mother replied.

Three foreign figures strode toward me. They stopped merely a few feet in front of me. Bewilderment overrode my sense of bloodlust. Why did my mother permit me being chained to a wall like a dog? I did not understand any of the events that were acting against me in such a way.

I noticed that it was the leaders of a nearby colony and their daugher. I did not pay attention to the gorgeous appearance of the girl as I did not want to be consumed in a vicious pit of jealousy. The visitors were close friends of my parents, yet I had never met their daughter. I had seen them several times at dinner, saying a friendly greeting, but never more than that.

"Hello dear! Pleasant seeing you again," the older female said.

I stared straight in front of me, acting as if they were not present.

"Rose, this is Eyla and her husband, Mark Blacwin. As well as their daughter, Maria," Mother informed me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Maria spoke softly.

My head whipped in her direction, meeting her gaze. She did not flinch as she rose her head to stare back at me with a challenging glint in her crystal blue eyes. She had innocent features of a woman who did not get her hands dirty, but rather let someone else bathe in the blood. Her face was clean of any cosmetics and instead her beauty was all natural and her appearance was well confined in elegant clothing that accentuated her assets, yet strayed away from any thoughts of a slut.

A feeling arose in my gut and I knew that I would not get along with this woman. I would be pleased when she left. She smiled sweetly at me as my face morphed into a grimace.

"I would be delighted if you left," I said, uninterested in diplomacy.

"I'm sorry I cannot please you, but we will be staying here for quite some time," she replied in her obnoxious voice.

I glanced to my mother, though she was in a deep conversation with Maria's parents, occasionally stealing a glance in our direction. This was not a playdate and I refused to treat it like such.

"Are you always chained like a dog so that people don't have to deal with you?"

I scoffed at her petty manner.

"By the looks of it, your colony would rather torture you than let you lead them," Maria stated, motioning to the blood sprouting from my wounds.

"I'd like to torture you," I spat out.

The Power of a MateWhere stories live. Discover now