Chapter 28- My Mind Leaves My Body

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Just a little something before you start reading, all parts in italics are flashbacks. Enjoy!

Playing board games with Cameron and Cara was fun. We first played Jenga, which was so much fun because of the dares. I videotaped Cameron singing 'Bitch, I'm Madonna', and Cara mimicking Darth Vader. I couldn't control my laughter when she raised her hand in that gesture with which Vader choked people using the Force.

When the morning turned into the afternoon, I had no clue. All I knew was that I was laughing the most I had in ages. Cameron was hopeless at Monopoly and it was hilarious watching him make the silliest mistakes or try to cheat. Yes, that boy tried his hardest to cheat. But Cara and I were just too smart for him and we caught him everytime he was up to something.

"Dang it! How do you guys catch me every time?" Cameron asked, after another time I had caught him trying to move my piece.

"You're not very discreet." Cara replied.

"And, you have this look on your face. Its always clear you're up to something." I added.

"You should write a book on my face given the interest you show in it. But honestly, I'm not surprised."

My cheeks flamed. But I still managed to roll my eyes at him.

"So I hear you guys are going to Holland village tomorrow." Cara said, trying to steer the conversation away from its current course.

"Yeah." Cameron said.

"You don't sound too happy." I noted.

"That's 'cuz Cheryl said that even Amelia is tagging along." He explained.

"Who's Amelia?" I asked.

"Her sister. She's back from college." He answered.

"Well what's so bad about Cheryl's sister going along with you?" Cara asked.

"Mom, Amelia isn't like Cheryl. She's...weird. And I think that's understating it."

"Okay. Weird in what sense?" I asked.

"I can't describe it. You have to meet her to understand it." He said.

"Well how bad can it possibly be?" I said, and shrugged.

Cameron's look told me that it could actually be pretty bad

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Cameron's look told me that it could actually be pretty bad. But the sparks of excitement in me refused to die down because of the presence of a weird personality on our trip.

"Well I honestly am too excited to mind." I said.

"Wait till you meet her. You are going to take back your words." Cameron said, chuckling.

"We'll see." I replied.

And we went back to playing Monopoly. Then we played Jenga again. After a few hours though, we took a break when our game was finished. Cara's phone rang, and she left the room to answer it while Cameron and I placed the pieces back in the box.

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