Chapter 4- Rapids, Points and Doughnuts

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"So did you like that?" An all too familiar voice asked from behind me.

"How are you down already?" I turned around and asked him. As I looked up, I saw Cedric just arriving, and here was Cameron, free of all ropes, evidently having reached just after me.

"Well...I rappelled down, just like you." He answered cheekily.

"As if Levan hadn't asked us to stay with our groups."

"You know I have heard Levan say the same words a billion times. It's sort of boring following them now. Oh, Blue, don't be so stiff. Didn't you enjoy it?"

The worst thing was that I couldn't stay mad at him no matter how much I wanted to. The rush the climb had given me was enough to snap me back to my good mood.

"I loved it!" I admitted.

"I loved it!" I admitted

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He grinned.

"Well the fun isn't over yet!"

"C'mon guys! Its time to fight some rapids!" Sean called us.

Within minutes, we were all in our orange life-jackets, wielding yellow and black paddles, hooked up securely yet comfortably in our orange inflatable boat.

The distance from the cable car had made me misjudge the size of the river. It was easily over 15 feet wide and pretty deep, too. The river ran down a slight incline and I guessed that while coming here, we had been driving parallel to this river.

We were going to travel in groups of four, again, while sitting in a two-by-two formation in the boat. This time Cameron, Sean and another random person were in the same group as me.

Cameron flashed me a broad grin and a thumbs up sign before we set off.

I have only four words to aptly describe the start- calm before the storm.

We glided along comfortably to the middle of the river. Then the flow carried us forward. The first 100 meters were easy. We didn't have to paddle much as the river was calm. Around a few feet ahead of our boat, Hayley's boat was travelling softly, gently going up and down.

But this wouldn't have been called an adventure sport, had it been so easy. The rapids began without any warning. Suddenly our boat lurched and I could feel it tilting too much to the right.

"Paddle, Blue!" Cameron yelled over the roar of the river. I got over my paralysis and with all my strength, pushed our boat ahead, steadying it.

Water sprayed over us as the boat hit the rapids again. This time I was sure we would capsize. Nevertheless, I paddled with all my might, making sure the boat stayed straight as much as possible.

Soon I got into a rhythm. Once I got used to the effect of the rapids on the boat, I learnt how to combat it, my way. No matter how much they teach you, in the end its your own pattern you have to get used to, to ride these rapids.

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