Chapter 3- Falling In Love With A Wall

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"Awesome!" I exclaimed. I had never rappelled before or rode the rapids, but I was keen on having this one experience to cherish forever.

"Glad to see that you are of the adventurous kind." Cameron commented.

"And not the kind that falls off to sleep in a cable car." I added.

He shot me a confused look. Then he turned around to see what I was looking at. The brochure dude, who was sitting on the seat that ran along the length of the car, had fallen off to sleep.

"What the hell?! That guy actually dozed off!" Cameron exclaimed, a bit too loudly.


Cameron laughed at the sight of the sleepy head

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Cameron laughed at the sight of the sleepy head. The guy's glasses had slid down and were hanging precariously at the very tip of his nose. The brochure he had been reading was now acquainting itself with the floor.

Cameron got up and crept towards this sleeping beauty. My gut told me that the evil smirk on Cameron's face spelled trouble.

"Cameron, don't do anything stupid." I warned.

"Chill Blue."

He winked at me before shouting "Fire!" in the brochure guy's ear.

Had it not been for the cable car's roof, the brochure guy would have landed on the moon. He jumped violently at Cameron's shout and his glasses went flying to God-knows-where. Cameron's lightening fast reflexes thankfully caught the glasses before they became a collection of glass pieces on the floor.

The brochure guy just shrugged, took his glasses from Cameron (who was shaking from the silent laughter), picked up the brochure from the floor and went back to reading it. Was this guy even remotely aware of the fact that we were in a cable car above a beautiful canyon?

The car stopped exactly half way between the two edges of the canyon. I peered down and drank in the view greedily. 'I would never get tired of this portrait' I told myself. And that's when I remembered the camera in my back pocket.

Immediately, I fished it out and started taking pictures like a maniac. What an idiot I was! I hadn't taken a single picture since I'd stepped out of the flight that brought me here.

"Say cheese!" I told Cameron and snapped a picture of him before he even registered the fact that I'd pointed the camera towards him.

"Woah, lady, at ease! You don't just click pictures of me like that!"

"Why? Little baby doesn't like someone taking pictures of him." I teased.

"No, its not like that. Its just you didn't give me any time to fix my hair and make sure I looked my best."

"You look great in the picture." I said, showing him the picture I'd just taken. He did look good, especially because he was caught off-guard.

"See! I knew you found me good looking." He smirked as he sat back down.

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