Chapter 23- Deaths and Kisses

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"You know Hayley, I think its time you moved on. You missed an amazing experience today." I told Hayley when I met her later.

She sighed loudly.

"I told Sean everything

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"I told Sean everything. I thought he deserved the truth. After all he had given up the hot air balloon ride because of me." She said.

"You're changing the topic."

"I'm not."

"Hay, when are you gonna let Greg go?"

"I actually did. That's what I'm trying to tell you. I told Sean all about Greg and he helped me tie the final knot on Greg and my relationship."

"That's...good! That's amazing in fact!"

She smiled in reply. How much of this was actually true, I still had to ascertain, but at least there had been some development.

"C'mon girls, speed up a bit." Sean called. He was ten feet ahead of us.

Both of us jogged to catch up. We were walking up a hilly ground of sorts. It was a plain, grassy ground, just inclined upwards.

Turns out the fair, towards which we were walking, was organised in a huge crater caused by a meteorite that hit this part of the land around two thousand years ago. It was the geologists that had declared that this depression in the ground, was caused by a meteorite and was about as natural as my blue highlights.

And if you hadn't guessed already, Cameron had told me all of this.

When all of us finally reached the top of the inclined ground we were walking on, the sight below took my breath away.

The crater was huge and by huge I mean so huge as to incorporate an entire fair, with all the rides and stalls in it without it seeming like all of it was put together in a bounded area. And the fair was lit up brighter than all the Christmas trees I had ever decorated. There was even a beautiful Ferris wheel in its centre.

But what struck me as odd was this fact. While coming up, we had walked up a slight slope, which had been a very easy task. But the path down was a steep incline which I sure as hell could not climb down. There weren't any proper footholds.

I ran my eyes over the precipice of the steep slope that led down, and something about a few meters to my right caught my eye.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" I said.

Cameron caught what I was looking at and laughed.

"C'mon!" He said, grabbing my hand and leading me around the edge of the crater to what we'd both spotted.

It was a sledge. A proper, mean machine, painted black with red flames on it. I grinned evilly as I jumped into it. Cameron got in beside me.

There was the wooden seat and the handlebar in front of us. That's it. We both sat down and grabbed the handlebars. The sides were open so if I tried any dare-devilry, I would fall out and tumble down to my death.

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