Chapter 2- Too Many Smirks To Handle

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Hi there!

Thanks you all for your feedback on the previous chapter and sticking around to read more.

The song up-top is Outside (Calvin Harris ft Ellie Goulding)

Again just reminding you all, Malay is a fictional place.

Don't forget to vote if you enjoy reading, and share your thoughts in the comments. :)


"So where are we going?" I asked Cameron as we drove in his hot-red mustang with its top down. The car was so amazing that I already knew that this day was going to be amazing.

"Are you gonna ask that every few miles? Its a surprise, sweetheart." He replied.

I rolled my eyes and then looked out to the glorious terrain we were racing by. It was almost as if Malay had gotten a face-lift. The rocky land was of different shades of brown and sometimes the sunlight made some areas get a tinge of orange. The view was picturesque. The way these sandy brown, caramel and orange hues mixed and swirled with each other around the expanse of land, it was simply breath-taking. At random places, a lone acacia tree or a bunch of bushes would catch my sight. Often, standing around them, would be a cute little squirrel or hare.

When Cameron had turned up in this car this morning to pick us up from the hotel, Hayley and Cedric had declared that there was no way there were going to go anywhere in that "death trap". I was the only one who had fallen in love with the car on first sight, yesterday.

Then around five minutes later, Sean came in a taxi. So it was decided that we would all take our hired hatchback and leave. But I guess the looks I had been giving this mustang were pretty obvious to everyone. So Cameron offered to drive me to our surprise destination while the others took the hatchback. Honestly, it was difficult deciding- hatchback without asshole or mustang with asshole.

The mustang won.

As we drove, the wind blew my hair in a million directions. The road had a gentle incline uphill. Even though I had no clue where Cameron was taking me, there were still plenty of butterflies in my stomach. I looked at him. He was wearing a grey tee and dark blue skin tight jeans. His hair whipped back due to the wind and his shades were simply amazing. The sight of him in this perfect car was enough to make me swoon.

I shook my head. Was I seriously checking him out? Well, with his chiseled jawline and perfect teeth and that cute nose, he was so handsome.

'Stop, Skye! Just stop!' I scolded myself. This was seriously getting out of hand. I instructed my head to stop checking Cameron out and instead concentrate on the beautiful desert.

"So umm why did Cedric not wanna let us show you guys around?" Cameron asked, shaking me out of my reverie. He was running his hand through his soft, dark brown hair. I tried my best to control the urge of running my own fingers through those silken threads.

"I really don't know." I lied, "When I asked him later that evening, he didn't say anything. Maybe it was just some random whim of his."

Bullshit. The conversation with Cedric in the hotel room yesterday had been slightly different. Actually he wasn't very comfortable with the idea of hanging around with a bunch of strangers. He didn't trust the boys just yet. I couldn't blame him. I wouldn't have agreed to Sean and Cameron acting as 'tour guides' had it not been for the amazing coffee yesterday. But Cedric was being 'practical' here.

So it was only after Hayley and I had promised to carry around pepper spray with us at all times, that Cedric agreed to the idea. Hayley thought Cedric was being stupid but I knew he felt responsible for us. Also it wasn't like I was very convinced with the idea of a guy like Cameron offering help.

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