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Hi guys! I'm back. Btw, my best friend TaeTaehyung_ ask me to make Xiumin's fanfiction. Soo... here it iss!!


Your POV

"Hey! What's wrong with you today?" Chanyeol ask. I snapped. "Aniyo, I'm fine. Btw, hi^^." I tried to smile as wide as I can. "You're always like this. Wait, where is Xiumin hyung?" I frowned. "I don't know neither." I sigh. "Baekhyun-ah, search for Xiumin hyung. I haven't seen him for a while." Baekhyun rush out of the class. "Hey (y/n)!" Luhan greet. "Hi, Lulu." I smile. "You look different today." He said as he put his bag on his chair. "What's different? It's just you. I'm still normal." I chuckle lightly. "Wait. Have you seen Xiumin? I can't call him this morning. I thought he was with you so I just shrug it. What's wrong with you guys? Do you have a fight?" He pat my shoulder. "A-aniyo, we're fine. It's just--" I cutted off by Baekhyun. "GUYS! I can't find him everywhere! (Y/n)-ah! He is your boyfriend, where is he?" Baekhyun pant. "I don't know." I said plainly. They all rushed out of the class to search Xiumin. It's still early so.. I don't need to remind them to got back to class on time. I look outside and see Xiumin is happy with a beautiful girl named Kim Seoyun. She is a lucky girl.


"I hope he love this." I smile at myself. I quickly get ready to go to the cafe. I really want to meet Xiumin. It's been a while since I saw him yesterday. Yeap, I'm crazy over him because he is my boyfriend.

I walk to the cafe and there, I look at him waiting for me. I push the door to the cafe and meet him. He hug me tightly. Then, he let go with a sad face. "What's wrong Xiumin-ah?" I ask worriedly. We both sit and I hand him a box of gift. He takes it while looking down on his lap. We both silenced.

I clear my throat to stop the awkward silence. "Um... what's wrong with you?" I started to ask. "W-well..." I can tell that he is nervous. "Hey, don't be nervous. What's wrong? Tell me." I held his hand but he pull his hand and it makes me flinched. "Hey.. what's wrong?" I ask curiously. "Let's bre-break up." His tears started to fall. I look at him in disbelief. Wait. I think I was deaf for a second and I hope it's just a dream. "Wait. I think I got a deaf. What did you say?" I ask. "Le-let's bre-break u-up." He stuttered. I look down, so this isn't a dream.

Tears fall down. I sob a bit. I bit my bottom lip so I could pretend that I'm not hurt. "Wa-wae?" I ask. Why am I stuttering? I can't cry here. Tears, don't betray me. Stop. "I-I just don't know. I-I have found a ri-right girl fo-for me." He said, opening the gift that I give. "Who is it?" I ask bravely. "Ki-Kim Seoyun." He bit his lip as he look at the gift. All I can do is only look down and think about why my life is so unfair.

[Neon bulgeongpyeonghae~.]

"Yo-you give this to me?" He reveals a black guess watch that he want for a long time ago. "Ye-yeah." I said shyly. "Ho-how did you ge-get all the money? This is really expensive." He shocked. "I work. I have a part time job after school. I help my aunt in a shop." I blurt out. "Why didn't you tell me in the first place? You-you don't need to do this." He said as he take off his old watch and put on the new one.

"It fits on me!" He exclaim happily. I only smile. How can he smile and happy when we're breaking up? Weird guy. "So... how's it?" I ask. "What?" He ask back. "Our relationship?" I play with my fingers. "Well... we can still be friends. It's fine for you, right?" He smile widely. "Ye-yeah, it's okay." NO, it is NOT. "U-uh, I have to go. Thanks for inviting me. Hope you always be happy with Kim Seoyun. Good luck." I said, walking outside the cafe. Just then, rain poured on me. I walk to my house while crying on street.

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