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Hi guys! I'm back. Btw, thanks guys for reading my book. I really really thankful for you guys. Don't just read, but please vote.

This chapter is for my friend @TaeTaehyung_ . It would be like 610392715104 years to wait. Sorry to make you guys wait. I'm really sorry.


Your POV

"Annyeong (y/n)!" My best friend, Kim Seo Hyun greet me. "Annyeong Seohyun-ah." I said. "What are you doing? Stalking your senior?" She guess. I grin and nod. "Again? You have been like a thousand times stalking him. He won't love you. He don't even know you. Oh gurl." She rolled her eyes. "Yah! You too! You like no you LOVE him." I said. "You love Chanyeol right?" I guess. I can see her face blushed. "Ye-yeah. Ugh!! Just stop it. Let's go to our class. It's almost 8 o'clock." She change the topic. "Whatevs." I roll my eyes and locked my phone. I follow her and we both go to our class.

When we both arrived at our class, suddenly Seohyun stopped me. "Waeyo?" I ask checking my phone. She doesn't say a thing so I look up. My eyes bulged and I don't believe what I saw. The seniors are infront of our class. I heard girls squealing, screaming, fangirling, and some stuff. "What.. are they doing there?" I ask. "I... don't know either. Let's ask?" She suggested and I nod. We run to the place where the bunch of girls are.

"Why are the seniors here?" Seohyun ask one of the girls. "They said they--. Yah! You are the one who they search for." She said pointing at me. "Oh-uh. What!? Me!? Are you kidding me?" I ask. "No. I'm not wrong. You are (y/n) right?" She ask and I nod. "Then, follow me." She said with a grin. She pulled me inside of the crowds leaving Seohyun behind.

After we past the crowd, we both pant really hard. She pat Kai's shoulder and he turned around to see us. "Waeyo?" He ask with a serious tone, making me a little bit scared. "You guys search for a girl right?" He nodded and the girl smiled. "Her name is (y/n)?" He nodded again. He looks really.. pale(?). "This is the girl." She said pointing at me. His eyes widened and quickly pat Chanyeol's shoulder and Chanyeol turned around. Actually my eyes widened too but this is insane. They won't be searching me only for their problem right? Calm down (y/n), calm down. I finally could smile.

Kai whispered something into Chanyeol's ear and his eyes widened too. Then, he quickly pull Sehun to face me. My face blushed easily. Sehun looks pissed off but he still dragged by Chanyeol. "Is this the girl that you search?" Chanyeol ask to Sehun. Sehun eyes widened and his jaw dropped. His cheek blushed too, as red as a tomato. "Ye-yeah. H-how do you.. know?" Sehun ask. Chanyeol only smirk and look at Kai. Kai is smirking too. "Then, go with her." Chanyeol pushed Sehun towards me.

Girls squealing, other members of EXO shouting. My precious ear almost broken but I keep it because I'm infront of my crush, Sehun. "Actually I--" *RING RING*. The bell went. "Nothing, I'll tell you when we are alone." He said, smiling. My heartbeats stop in a sudden. A smile that I thought never exist in my world. The smile that is really beautiful. Someone tap me on my shoulder. Then, I turned around. "Yah! (Y/n)! I'm so lucky!! Chanyeol ask me to go out with him!!!" Seohyun fangirling again. "Me too, pabo!!" I said hitting her head. "Ouch! Mwo!? Jinjja!? Sehun talks to you!? And ask you to--" I shut her mouth with my hand. "Shut up or I'll kill you." I said. She is frightened and yes, sometimes I become a demon. Especially when someone talk about what I don't want to talk about. She pull my hand off her mouth. "Yah--" "Good morning students." The teacher said and I smirk. She roll her eyes and takes her book immediately.

"Students, I have a good news for you guys." The teacher said and all of us started to squeal in happiness. "Chill down! Chill down!" The teacher tried to calm the students down. We all shut our mouth tight and listen to the teacher. "We will have dance battle. Junior versus the seniors. You guys who want to join the battle, have to--" "With who miss? The seniors? Are they boys or girls?" One of my classmate ask, cutting the teacher's speech. "Hey, I think... Hoshi is trying to make Ms. Kim's blood boil." I whispered to Seohyun and she nodded. "Oh okay. There are girls and boys I guess. Okay, back to my speech. Had to have a group. Each group will have maximum 6 people and minimum 3 people. The school president will choose who is your opponent. If you want to join, you can go to the school president and he will give you a form and you have to fill it. But, the school president won't tell you your opponent. Are you understand?" She said sternly. "Nee!!!" We all said in unison. "Let's start our lesson today! Open your physic book page 170." She said.

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