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Your POV

I wake up with my sleepy eyes. "What time is.. it?" I ask myself. I look at the clock. "Hoaamm... It's 8 o'clock. I need to make breakfast for Kyungsoo and Seohyun." I said while rubbing my eyes. I stand up, wash up, and quickly go to the kitchen.

Arrived, I open the fridge and see what's inside the fridge. "Okay.. let me see... Today, I will make sandwich for Seohyun and... kimchi fried rice for Kyungsoo." I said and I immediately take the ingredients.
I'm cutting some onions and some vegetables. Suddenly, someone came. I look behind me, there is Kyungsoo. "Good morning Kyung-ah!" I scream in a sudden. I look at my finger, it is bleeding. I even cut my finger. "How am I going to make the food with this condition?" I ask myself. "Yah! What's wrong?" He ask and run towards me. He look at my cutted finger. "Clean this first, I'll get the aid." He said and immediately search for the aid box. I clean my cutted finger with some water.

"Let me see, is it deep or not." He said, looking at my finger. "It isn't that deep." I said calmly. "How come you said like that!? It's deep!" His eyes bulged making me giggled. "What are you laughing of?" He ask. "Nothing." I said holding my laughter. "Here, don't scream, don't shout. Seohyun will wake up." He warned and I nod. He give my wound a medicine so it won't be irritated then he give a plester. "Gomawo Kyunggie." I said with a smile. He put the aid box back to the place and look at me.

"What!?" I ask. "Don't call me Kyunggie or I'll punish you." He said with a scary face. "Omoo... I'm scared. Of course not. You can't punish me. Like if you can do it." I stuck my tounge out. "I can. Why not?" He said, taking the knife that I use and cut come vegetables. "Okay then. Kyunggie~ My handsome cute Kyunggie~" I tease him.

I keep teasing him but he seems more embarrased than angry. "Are you mad? Or are you embarrased?" I ask poking his fluffy cheek. "A-aniya. I'm not embarrased." His cheek became redder and redder. Now, his face is as red as a tomato. "Jin--" "Goodmorning eomma, a...hoaam..ppa." I heard Seohyun said. Kyungsoo and I giggled a little. I go to Seohyun and carry her. "Aww.. my little girl is still sleepy. Did you have a good night?" I ask, pinching her nose and kiss her cheek. "Ne..eomma." she said then she yawn.

"So.. you are like that. Hm? You only ask that question to Seohyun, how about me?" Kyungsoo suddenly ask with a pout. I go to him and kiss his cheek. "Did you have a good night, jagi?" I ask to him. His cheeks become redder again. Aww. He is really cute. "Ne, jagi." He said still cutting the vegetables without looking at me.

"I'll wash her up. Please make the breakfast. You can make whatever you want from that ingredients." I said pointing to all of the ingredients. "Ne, eomma." He said. "Gomawoyooo." I said the flung away to Seohyun's bedroom to take some clothes, then go to the bathroom.
"Ahh... finally done." I said. "Seohyun, let's eat." I said and she obeyed. "Appa!!! Let's eat!" Seohyun scream a high-note scream right next to Kyungsoo's ear. "Ahh!! That's hurt! Changkkaman!" He said while rubbing his ear. "Let's eat appa." She said again, tugging his shirt. "Arraseo. (Y/n)? Aren't you going to eat?" He ask. "Maybe no." I said with a weak smile.

"I'll just see you eating. It makes me full." I continue. Both of them sit on their own seat. "Okay, let's eat." Kyungsoo said. I look at both of them eating happily. I smile too. They are still happy as always.
"Kyungsoo, I'll wash the dishes." I said after they done eating. "Eomma, appa! Seohyun wants to go somewhere fun." She said. "We'll talk about it after this. You can watch TV first, Seohyunnie." Kyungsoo said and immediately Seohyun run and watch her favorite cartoon in the TV.

"Yeobo, are you okay?" He ask worriedly and he take his hand on my forehead. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said still washing the dishes. "How about your wound?" He ask again. "I'm fine Kyunggie." I said with a big smile. "Yah! Don't call me Kyunggie." He whined. "Of course I won't Kyunggie." I giggle. "Eomma! Did you just call appa 'Kyunggie'?" Seohyun ask and Kyungsoo frozed. "Ne! Wae?" I ask to Seohyun. "Aniya, it's just a really cute nickname for appa." She said and avert her gaze back to the cartoon.

I smirk and continue washing the dishes. "Come on, don't be mad." I said trying to comfort him. "I'm not mad. I'm just not used to it. You know, new nicknames." He said, smiling. His smile melt my heart. It's a relief that he doesn't mad at me. If he is mad, no one could stop him unless... I will be the one who got hurt. He go to Seohyun and join her watching cartoons. I am done with the dishes and off to the couch with my happy family.

"Eomma, appa where will we go today?" Seohyun ask. "I don't know. Where do you want to go?" I ask as I brushed her strands of her hair from her face. "Um... Let's go to somewhere fun." Kyungsoo advised. "Fun? Where is it appa!?" Seohyun immediately stand up and jump in happiness.

"Home." He said.

Seohyun's smile faded as he said that. She sit back to her place and crossed her hands on her chest. I smile a bit seeing her cute pouting face. "Yah! Kyunggie, don't say that! Let's go to amusement park." I suggest. Seohyun look at me in disbelief with her smile on her face meanwhile Kyungsoo pout. "Don't be said, Kyunggie." I said, caressing his cheek. "Eomma such a cute person, you know. Eomma even give appa a cute nickname." Seohyun giggled. "Gomawoo my cutie little princess." I said pinching her cheeks.

Kyungsoo's POV

"Okay, Seohyun change your clothes. I'll talk for a while with appa." (Y/n) said as Seohyun obeyed her. "Yeobo, don't be mad." She pout afterwards. OMG. Not this aegyo. It's too cute. " I'm not mad. Just like what I say, I am still not used to the nickname." I said. "Okay then. Please forgive me for giving you such a horrible nickname." She said, feeling hurt. "Aniya, gwaenchana." I said then I kiss her forehead. "Change your clothes. We'll straight to go to the amusement park after we are done." I said and she obeyed.

30 minutes later~

"Yah! Why did eomma take a long time!?" Seohyun yelled and I grinned. "Mianhaeyo Seohyunnie." She said as she leaned down to hug Seohyun. I smiled and leaned down as well and hug both of them.

We've been hugging each other for almost 10 minutes. Then, I seperated from them and (y/n) did the same. Then, I quickly give her a peck on her lips. She blushed and cupped her face meanwhile I am just grinning like crazy. "Eomma! Appa! Do it in a longer time!" Suddenly I heard Seohyun said. Both of us shocked. "Mwo!?" We both said. "Ani. I just want to see eomma, appa kissing again. I love watching it. It makes me happy although we won't go to the amusement park." She explained and (y/n) blushed harder.

Your POV

"Ani. I just want to see eomma, appa kissing again. I love watching it. It makes me happy although we won't go to the amusement park." She explained and I blushed harder. I ducked down and smile like crazy. Suddenly, I felt a hand lifting my chin up. "Let's make our daughter happy." Myungsoo said, leaning in for a kiss.

Then, our lips touched and I heard Seohyun screaming in happiness. He kiss me passionately and I can't resist it. I kiss him back and Seohyun jump in happiness. I wrap my hands aroung Kyungsoo's neck and he snakes his hands around my waist.

Just then, our lips parted and Seohyun seems sad. I can say that Kyungsoo is smiling and we both chuckle a bit. "Waeyo Seohyunnie? You look sad." Kyungsoo said with a cute pout. "Aniya! Kaja eomma, appa!!" She said while dragging us out of the house. We three left the house and go straight to the amusement park.


Okay. Cliff hanger--". So, guys thanks for reading my book again^^. If you guys want me to write the 2nd part, tell me please. I'll write it for you guys.

Read, enjoy, vote, and keep reading.

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