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________ has a boyfriend. He's Sehun. Now her relationship with Sehun has been 3 months. But, Sehun never be in ______ side. He always have a tour and _______ always alone.

*on the phone*

Sehun:"Jagiya! I miss you so much. I can't stop thinking about you."

You:"Sehunnie! Miss you too. I just can't live without you. I miss you so much. When will you come?"

Sehun:"maybe, tonight. We've done the tour, so we can have some rest. I can see my friends are very tired. I don't want you to be alone everyday."

You:"yay! Oppa is coming home! I will wait you tonight."

Chanyeol:"________-ah! Miss you so much. We all will stay at your home. Arraso!?"

Sehun:"ani, hyung. Please don't stay at my home."

Luhan:"pleaseee... I want to see ______ too. I miss her so much."

You:"Sehunnie, they can stay at our home for a few night. But if they disturb us, I think I'm gonna make them regret."

Sehun:"arraso. Yah! Luhan hyung, what are you doing?"

Luhan:"I hug you, because your girlfriend let we all stay at your house."

Sehun:"ne. Suho hyung! My girlfriend let we stay in my house."

You:"Sehunnie, what's wrong with Baekhyun oppa and Chanyeol oppa, Tao oppa and Kris oppa? What are they doing behind you?"

*He tilted his head to see his hyung*

Chanyeol:"we didn't do anything. Did we?"
Baekhyun, Kris, and Tao nodded.

Sehun:"grr... oh! by the way, _______ don't wait me. I think we arrived at home at 1 a.m. I don't want you to--"

You:"Aniyo, oppa. I'll wait you. I'll cook for all of you guys and.... what are those oppa doing?"

Sehun:"Channie hyungg!!! Bacon hyung!!! Cried baby Tao hyung!!! Galaxy hyung!!! Can you please stop disturbing us? We're in a serious conversation. Oh, I'm sorry ______."

You:"it's okay oppa. I want to cook now, take care oppa. Oh yeah! What do you want to eat? I want to buy some groceries and maybe you want something. Ask your friends too oppa."

Sehun:"arraso, I want bubble tea as always. Guys! What do you want to eat?"


Kai & Kris:"chicken!!"

D.O:"spaghetti please."


Luhan:"I want bubble tea."

Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Tao, Lay:"anything! As long as _________ cook!"

Chen:"same with Suho."

You:"arraso. Sehunnie, take care! Saranghae!"

Sehun:"take care too jagiyaa... Saranghae."

*end of phone*

You are going to buy some groceries and bubble teas. Meanwhile Sehun,

Chanyeol:"sehun-ah! You're very lucky to have ______. She is very sweet and funny too. Maybe she can be my happy virus girl."

Sehun:"Chanyeol hyung! Please, she is mine."

Baekhyun:"you are very very lucky."

Suho:"hey! Come on. Time to go guys."


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