Chapter 26: Together Finally

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(This is the last chapter of Fascinate)

Sabrina's POV

"Can I ask you a question?" Grayson asks while we watch tv together.

"You just asked one." I say focusing back on the television.

"Shut up! Go on a date with me." He says playing with my hair.

"Wait are you serious?" It was now my turn to ask a question.

"Yeah like we can go to a fancy restaurant and we can wear fancy clothes. We can even watch the sunset like the people on tv do." He exaggerates the idea of a date.

"You know you could take me anywhere for a date and I would still go. Plus you don't need to spend money on me." I say and his face lights up.

"No, no, no this date is a really special one so it has to be special." With that he kissed my lips and walked out the front door.

"This boy gets on my nerves." I say to myself and turn the tv off.

I make sure the door is locked and make my way upstairs. I hear music playing from the room I stay in. I open the door and the girls are playing monopoly listening to songs. 

"Ya'll done boo loving?" Chrissy asks and I roll my eyes.

"Not to be that one person but I want a bae too." Tasha says fake crying and holding her chest.

I shake my head and grab my pajama pants and tank top. After I take a shower I lotion and pull on the clothes.

"Put me in." I say sitting next to Carmen.

We start over and Tasha helps set the game up again. After a while I realize that I have someone who would be good with Tasha.

"Have you heard of Valentino Mendez?" I ask holding my game piece.

"Yeah, why?" She asks counting her money.

"Wanna go on a date with him?" I ask and she looks at me and smirks.


The next day rolled around and it was close to four in the afternoon. I was on the patio with the girls when I got a text message.

From Grayson: Be ready by five

A smile was planted on my face after reading the text. I put my phone down and just sat there smiling.

"Why are you glowing like something good just happened?" Carmen asks fixing her hair.

"Grayson and I are going on a date. He says it's a really special one. Oh my goodness I need to get ready." I say jumping up.

Chrissy follows me upstairs along with Tasha and Carmen. They tell me to get in the shower while they choose my outfit. I'm dressed in my undergarments and a robe when I see my outfit.

It's a red dress and heels picked out by Chrissy. I run my hand over the fabric and smile. I go back into the bathroom and put the outfit on.

Tasha does my hair in beach curls and Carmen does my make up. It's now five and I'm waiting to hear the door bell. Carmen runs downstairs to open the door.

"You need to make a grand entrance and exit." Chrissy says as she pats my shoulders.

Carmen calls us downstairs and I walk down the steps. I see Grayson in a suit and my heart flutters. He sees me and he looks like he's on cloud nine.

"You look beautiful as always." He says kissing my cheek.

"And you look handsome as always." I say holding his hand. I see a flash and I turn away from Grayson and see Tasha trying to take pictures.

"You got caught bitch." Carmen says in the background.

"Use protection!" Chrissy jokes and I roll my eyes.

Grayson escorts me out and I see a nice sleek black car waiting for us. So he really went all out and so far hes doing a great job.

We get into the car and just talk about life and our futures. The driver takes us to the most expensive restaurant in California.

"You didn't have to do this." I say looking at the building.

"Yes I did." Was all he said before walking us into the building.

The waiter takes us to our reserved private table away from the other ones. My chair is pulled back by Grayson and I sit down thanking him.

"Your such a gentlemen." I say as he looks at the menu.

"Only for you."

He orders the chef's special and we wait for the food.

"So how do you like it so far?" He ask rubbing my hand on the table.

"It's so magical to be honest. Like i'm speechless for once." I look at him and I feel mesmerized.

The waiter comes back with our food and I see its lobster with different sea foods. I also see champagne too. I get my glass back and see something floating in it.

"What is this?" I say taking my fork and pulling a ring out of the glass.

I take a napkin and dry it off. Grayson looks at me smiling and I just stare at the ring. Its a promise ring not a wedding ring so calm down ya'll.

He takes my hand and slides it onto my finger. The ring has a infinity sign with our initials carved in the inside band.

"Sabrina, the day I saw you in class I wasn't looking for a relationship. You looked so beautiful that it shocked me because you were all I thought about for a long time. Everything reminds me of you and I would be dumb to let you go. If the word fascinate could describe anything it would be you. This promise ring is for our future together. So to end it off will you be my girlfriend?" He says after his speech and my world is completely rocked.

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." I say hugging him finally happy that we can be classified as a couple.

The night turned out to be a great one. I couldn't stop smiling and Grayson couldn't keep his eyes off me. I wore the promise ring all night and I would wear it every day after that. A great future is something I'm looking forward to with Grayson in it.


*Sorry for errors and mistakes.

THANK YOU!!!! For reading and this book was another great journey. Check out my other books if you want


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