Chapter 6: Friends or Fighting

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Sabrina's POV

I woke up to the sun shining threw my curtains. Dinner at the Glover's house was fun I guess. After that little moment Grayson went back to hating me and the rest was a blur. My alarm clock rang loudly causing me to jump.

"Sabrina get  up!!" Mother yelled from downstairs.

My hand clutched the blanket and I pulled it off of me. The cold air hit my bare legs causing me to shiver. I reached the bathroom and did my morning routine.

"What to wear today when its raining." I said shuffling in my closet.

I picked out some grey boots with blue jeans and a plain grey shirt. For my wild hair I just left it in its natural curls.  I went downstairs just like every morning.

"Hey grandma. Goodmorning mom." I said grabbing some granola.

"Hey sweetie. It's going to be raining all day so make sure you bring a umbrella." She said drinking her coffee already for work.

My eyebrows furrowed at her clothing. "Mom your going to work not a strip club." I said looking her up and down.

"Oh shut up. It's just some heavy makeup and a tight skirt." She said averting her eyes.

"Sabrina some guy called and said he would take you to school. His name is Grayson." Grams told me.


"Who's Grayson?"

"Nobody." I said as a car horn sounded outside.

"There goes my ride love you guys." I said grabbing my trench coat, book bag, and umbrella.

I stepped outside and heard the rain hitting everything in its path. I looked to see Grayson's all black truck. I ran to the truck not caring about the rain and the door opened. Charlie and Grayson were in the front with Max, Val, and Tristan were in the back.

"What no expensive car today." I said putting on my seat belt.


"You called my house. How did you even get my house number?" I asked not looking up from my phone.

"I have connections." He said.

We pulled up infront of the school and I saw Tasha waiting for me. I jumped out and ran to her. I pulled her into the building.

"Who's expensive truck was that?" She asked while we traveled to my locker.

"Lover boy." I heard Chrissy say from behind me.

"Girl why aint you call me?" Tasha asked putting on lip gloss.

"I didnt think anybody would need to know that Grayson gave me a ride." I said grabbing my books.

"You so lucky. I would love to meet his friends and stuff." Chrissy said dazing off.

I rolled my eyes as me and Tasha went to first period. Some students were early like us. But Grayson was also early to. He smiled at me and I felt my face heat up.

"Oh my god he's smiling at you. Ask him to Netflix and chill." Tasha whispered in my ear.

I laughed at her humor and took my seat next to Grayson. I set my books on the tan desk and looked down.

"You know a thank you would be nice." He spoke next to me.

"Shut up but thank you."

"Your welcome. Even though the boys practically begged me to pick you up.

"Mhm I see."

I noticed how Grayson wasnt wearing his sun glasses. I looked him while he was doing the assignment and his eyes were like an ocean blue with little specks of brown and grey. Damn......


Lunch came around and my friends and I made our way in. You could tell people were talking about this mornings events. The cheerleader Sarah had the guts to come up and talk to me.

"Hey it's Sabrina right?"

"Yeah. What do you want?"

"Are you and Grayson a thing?" She asked before someone called my name.

I turned around to see Max waving his hand frantically for me to come over. Chrissy didn't think twice and pulled me and Tasha. I sat down infront of the five boys.

"Who's ya friends." Tasha said laughing.

"This is Charlie, Grayson, Max, Valentino, and Tristan." I said pointing to each and every one of them.

"So Sabrina who's your friends." Tristain said looking at Crissy.

"This is Tasha and Chrissy." I said eating my burger.

"So why did you call me over here."

"Grayson wanted you to come." Max said snitching.

"Shut up why you always gotta be a snitch bitch." Grayson said and I laughed.


Lunch was good and I got through all of my classes without looking at Grayson's eyes. I realized he was in more than just one class. The bell rang signalling us that it was time to go. Chrissy met me by my locker and talked my ear off about Tristan.

"I did see him giving you heart eyes." I said as we walked to the exit.

"Well I'll text you later." She said before she ran off.

I walked outside to see my mom was on time. I started to walk to her car before Val came running toward me.

"Yo Val what's up."

"" He said out of breath.

My eyes widened and me and Val ran off to find him. I saw a crowd of people and two bodies. Val pushed bodies away and brought me to the front. There was blood everywhere and that made me sick to my stomach.

"Stop!" I yelled at the two.

They didnt even stop so I went in the middle of the circle . I grabbed Grayson fist before he could strike again. He looked up at me with anger. His eyes softened at the sight of me. The crowd died down and Val told them to leave.

"Let go of me." Grayson said pulling his arm.

"I was just trying to help damn. Why were you fighting anyway?" I said angry too.

"It's nun of your business."

"I thought we were friends and friends help each other." I said keeping eye contact.

"Well here's a news flash were not friends princess." He said but in his eyes I saw regret.

My heart hurt at that comment and I walked away. My head was down and I sprinted to my mother's car.

"What happened you just ran off like that." She said starting the car.

"It doesnt matter anymore."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No. Im fine." I said before seeing incoming calls from Grayson.

I didnt even know I had his number. I blocked his number and changed his contact to do not answer. We aint friends right? So what's the point of answering him.

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