Chapter 9: Dinner Time

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Sabrina's POV

I seriously didn't want to stay. But for Tony I would. He's just so cute and how could I resist. We made our way to the table. His father and mother sat at the ends of the long table. Eli, Riley, and Charlie sat on one side. Me, Tony, and Grayson sat on the other side.

Their chefs began to pass around plates of salmon, green beans, and mashed potatoes. I cringed at the sight of lonely food. It's not like how my mom cooks at home. I began to eat after saying a quick grace.

"So Sabrina, do you plan on going to college?" Mr. Glover asked taking a sip of red wine.

"Yes I do. I want to study emergency medicine." I said smiling.

"That's great. Grayson here doesn't know what to do."

"Dad just because I want to become a drag racer doesn't mean anything." Grayson said trying to defend himself.

"Honey you could get seriously hurt." His mom said worried.

I was starting to wonder what type of family problems they had. I mean no family is perfect and it seems like this family is the all american family. From my perspective it doesn't say anything.

"That's why you should go into the family business."

"I don't even know what you do!" Grayson said raising his voice at his father.

"You better fix that tone young man." He said in a stern voice that made him shut up.

It was dead silent and all you could hear was the clacking of forks on glass plates. I had finished my food a long time ago. I was just hungry. My phone began to ring which startled me and only me.

"Excuse me I need to take this." I said getting up quickly and walking out of the room.

"Hello." I said into my phone.

"Sabrina! Where are you right now. Do you know what time it is?" My mom asked angry on the phone.

I sighed and remembered I forgot to tell her about Grayson. "Mom im at Grayson's house eating dinner with his family."

"Well you could have told me. I was worried about you."

"I know mom. I have to go. I'll be home in a bit." I said hanging up.

I was about to walk out into the room again when I heard voices about me. I hid behind the wall and listened.

"Son I think she would make a great wife." Mr.Glover said and my eyes went wide.


Grayson's POV

"Dad! How can you say that, what are you even talking about?" I asked highly confused about this situation.

He cleared his throat to speak. "Eli just found himself a girl friend possible wife. For the company. It's you time to join the mafia son." He said looking dead at me.

"Tony how about we go and play." My mom said picking him up and dragging him to the other play room.

"Dad what mafia? Wait all of you knew about this." I said looking at my brothers. They silently nodded.

"The mafia im the leader in. Its your time, I always knew you had some potential in you. Your sly and quiet...perfect for the business." He said laughing.

"So what does that have to do with Sabrina?" I asked thinking about were she went.

"Mafia men need to have some type of ride or die. Like Bonnie and Clyde so I believe that's her."


Sabrina's POV

I clamped a hand over my mouth. Mafia?! These people are crazy, I need to get out of here. I ran upstairs and grabbed my book bag. I slipped my jacket on and ran back downstairs. It seemed like hey were about to walk out.

I ran to the brown doors and opened it. It was halfway open when it made a loud creek.

"Shit." I said in a low tone.

Grayson and his father walked out and saw me. My body was halfway through the door. My heart began to race at the thought of Grayson being violent or in a mafia.

"Sabrina where are you going?"

" mom wants me home." I said taking my chance and running away.

The crisp air hit my bare legs and I held my jacket closer to my body. I made it out of the gate and onto the street. I slowed down and began to walk. I pulled out my phone to call my mother.

"What?! No service you have got to be kidding me." I said as it started raining again.

"And it has to be raining a lot lately." I added.

I wasnt even halfway down the road when a car came speeding behind me. It started to slow down next to me but I didn't look at the driver. Left foot right foot I repeated in my head.

"Sabrina!!!!!!!" A voice yelled at me.

I jumped and looked at the car. I rolled my eyes and turned around. But I did get in Grayson's car. I guess you could say I trusted him.

"Im guessing you heard." He said gripping the wheel.

"Yeah." I said above a whisper.

"I don't know what my dad thinks at all. But I know that once your in with my father im in."

"So your actually in a mafia." I kept the same tone just being scared.

He nodded his head. "We can't be friends at all."

"Sabrina. That's not fair at all!" He said raising his voice.

Im just going to be quiet beacuse im so terrified of him. Like what is he capable of. I think im going to cry but I can't. Soon he pulled up to my house and I dashed out of the car.

I was able to close my door and lock it. My house was dark and I knew my mom was working very late. I slid down the door frustrated. A tear ran down my face and I whipped it.


Now I was laying on my bed facing the ceiling. The thunder roared and lighting struck. I could see it out of my window. I kept thinking about Grayson and how difficult he was.

TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP. Just several rocks were being thrown at my window. I thought it was the debris but I knew it wasnt so I made my way to the window to see a drenched Grayson. I was currently in my spandex shorts and a tank top.

I put my long trench coat on and made my way outside. The rain hit my face like bullets and my vision was blurry.

"Grayson!" I yelled trying to find him. Plus I couldn't see without my glasses.

I felt a pair of strong arms tug on me. I was pulled onto my porch again. By now I was shaking and wet growing a cold.

"Sabrina...I just had to come." He said wiping his hair out of his face.

"What are you here for?" I asked coldly.



Sorry for errors and mistakes.

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