Chapter 11: Back Stabbing

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Sabrina's POV

Grayson and I danced all night. I can't remember how much I laughed and smiled. Carmen and Charlie had a little thing going on too. I haven't seen Tasha or Chrissy in a long time.

"Carmen have you see Tasha?" I asked as she took a sip of her water.

"No but I'll help you look."

We searched all over the house. All the bathrooms, the basement, even the bedrooms. I now believe my eyesight is ruined based on what I saw. The only place we haven't looked was the backyard. I grabbed Carmen and made our way out the back.

There was a lot of people just laying around, either smoking or vomiting. I cringed at the sight but kept moving. I circled around the house but as I turned the corner of the left side of the house I heard voices.

"She can't know we did this." A voice said.

"Chrissy she won't ever know." The voice I recognized as Tasha said.

"Look are you going to give me her information or not?" A mysterious deep voice said.

"Fine but where's the money?" Chrissy said as I heard ruffling sounds.

"Nice doing business with ya."

That was the end of the conversation. I ran to the backyard were Carmen was. I was out of breath and ready to go home.

"We need to go like now."

"I gave my keys to Tasha. Shit!" Carmen said realizing Tasha is missing.

"It's okay. Grayson can give us a ride home." I said going back inside.

Grayson was in the corner with Charlie. I pushed past the sweaty bodies and couples trying to suck each other's faces off.

"Sabrina it looks like you've seen a ghost." Charlie said mentioning the obvious.

"Shut up but me and Carmen need a ride." I said and Charlie immediately perked up.

"Sure. Just go get her and meet us out front."

I sighed in relief and ran to get Carmen. She was sitting on the steps when I found her. I nudged her shoulder and she looked at me.

"Come on." She got up and followed me to the front.

Charlie's silver Benz sat in front of the house. I sat in the back next to Grayson and obviously Carmen sat in the front.

I leaned my head on the window trying to figure out what happened behind the house. I'm not gonna tell Grayson because he will flip and won't let me go home.

"So what happened to make you look like you seen a ghost?" Grayson asked me.

"It's nothing. Just drop me off at Carmen's house." I told Charlie up front.


"Thanks for taking us to Carmen's house." I said closing the door.

We walked up the steps to Carmen's house and she looked for the spare key. She picked up a red flower pot and got the key under it. Carmen unlocked the door and was about to put the key back.

"Don't put it back in the same place." I told her.


"People could be watching so we'll put it in a different place tomorrow."

After we walked into the house we heard Charlie's car drive off. All the lights were off and her parent's weren't home.

"So what are we going to do about my car?" Carmen asked while taking off her shoes.

"I'll get Tasha to bring it back by morning." I said texting her phone to bring Carmen's car back by 9am.

"I'm gonna take a shower."

"I'll take one in the guest bathroom." I said grabbing my clothes I left here.

Me and Carmen were laying on her king size bed. I decided to tell her now before something happens.

"I did find Tasha and Chrissy." I said still looking at the ceiling.

"What happened because I know something happened based on your expression."

"I heard them talking to a man. They gave away some information about me for money." I said as the memories flooded back into my mind.

"Why didn't you tell Grayson?" She questioned me sitting up.

"Because I know he would flip out."

"But what if it's someone bad trying to get at him?"

"He'll have to deal with that. I don't want my problems to be a burden. I can take care of myself."

"Not when guys are coming after you with guns."


Grayson's POV

"Do you think Sabrina's hiding something?" I asked my older brother.

"Maybe but something just didn't feel right." He said driving to our house.

Something feels so out of place. Like something happened at the party. I couldn't put my finger on it. The uneasiness sat at the bottom of my stomach.

"Should we turn back around?"

"I think their fine." Charlie said trying to keep me calm.

"She would text you if something is happening." Charlie added.

He was right I guess. I mean she wouldn't hide anything from me? Or would she?


Tasha's POV (A/N back stabbing bitch...sorry)

Chrissy and I were riding in Carmen's car. Chrissy was counting money when my phone rang.

"Chrissy answer that."

"It's a text message from Sabrina saying that we need to drop the car off at Carmen's house." She summarized the message.

I drove down the road to Carmen's house and saw her house. I pulled into the driveway and turned the car off.

"We shouldn't have done that." I said feeling guilty.

"Remember what the message said it was either give us the info or we die." Chrissy said not feeling a single thing.

"We could have went to the police."

"Just shut up because it's over with now."

"How much money is it?" I asked trying to get out of the country like now.

"More than a million I'll tell you that." Chrissy said smiling like a mad man.

"Let's just get out of here." I said putting her keys under the mat and grabbing the bag of money.

Chrissy and I walked down the street on our way to the airport. I texted Sabrina back saying the keys were under the mat and that i'm sorry before smashing my phone against the cement.


Sorry for mistakes and errors.

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