Chapter 7: The New Girl

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Sabrina's POV

"Are you sure your okay?" My mother asked giving me a look of sympathy.

"Im okay it's just boy problems." I said going inside my house.

I went to my room and started doing my math homework. I was now halfway done reading Romeo and Juliet when my phone rung. I let out the breath I was holding knowing it was a unknown number.


"What did Gray do to you?" Val asked me over the phone.

"Nothing. Just tell him I don't want to speak to him anymore and to stop calling my phone." I said waiting for his response.

"Que?" (Translation: what) He spoke.

"Val don't say what because you know what I mean." I sighed.

"And tell him don't try looking for me because we ain't friends."

"Okay I get it. See you tomorrow." He said before hanging up.

I saved his number in my phone and continued to do my homework. By 6:00 pm I was finished all my studying. My mom called me down to dinner and I packed my things. The smell of pot roast filled my nose.My grandmother began to say grace and then I set my plate.

"How was school?" Grams asked me.

"It was okay. It could have been better." I said smiling at her.

"Mhm that's not what your mother told me." She said sipping her iced tea.

"Huh." I said acting clueless.

"Child go call him back when you done ya hear." She said winking at me.

"Okay." I mumbled and continued eating.

I was helping my mom clean up. Dinner was so good. My mother can throw down.

"Mom how'd you think grandma knew?" I asked because she knows everything.

"A magician never tells her secrets." Grandma Ruth said from the living room.

We all laughed at her. Suddenly my phone was in front of my face. I took it from my mother and went upstairs. Somehow my mother got my phone without me knowing. I closed my door and unlocked my iphone. I called his number and on instant he picked up.

"Sabrina! I was so worried about you why havent you answered." He said rapidly.

"Oh shut up you wouldn't care anyway." I said picking my nails.

"Is this about what I said earlier? It was just a expression."

"Well maybe you shouldn't have gotten so mad when I didnt do anything."

"Fine blame it all on me." Grayson said sarcastically.

"I am not the problem here."

"Maybe if you didn't step in front of me while fighting, I wouldn't be mad."

"Just so you could kill somebody. Since im the problem take me out of the equation." I said harshly and hung up before he could say anything.

I was so furious man I swear. I heard inaudible whispers from my door. My eyebrow raised as I walked to the door. I swung it open to see my mom and grandma.

"So how did it go?" My mom said pulling me in the hallway.

I scoffed at the memories that took place a few seconds ago. "Not well. Im pretty sure I made it worse."

"Aw honey its okay. He'll come around." My mom said rubbing my back.


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