Chapter 15: Dreaming

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Sabrina's POV

We were all here for a few days without any trouble. Although I always had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that I was still being watched. I was always paranoid, when someone walked into a room I jumped.

"Carmen." I whisper into her dark room. She moves around before siting up.

"What?" She says quietly not trying to wake up Charlie.

"Come here I need to talk to you." Without any questions she follows me out of the room.

We travel all the way to the basement. I look around making sure no one was following us and I moved under the stairs. After recalling what Grayson did I pushed onto the concrete blocks.

"What the hell is this?" Carmen looks so confused but excited at the same time.

I grab her hand and drag her into the room. I make sure to close the wall back up and I finally feel safe in this room. Earlier I had took the guns down and put them into a bin. I couldn't stand the sight of them.

"Look do you feel like someone's always watching you?" I ask grabbing a blanket as we sit on the beanbags.

"Yeah and I thought it was just me." She confesses.

I might just stay down here for forever. Grayson is always trying to find out what information was given so I'm always alone.

"As you could see I did a lot of decorating." I laugh at how much free time I have.

"What made Tasha so...bad?" I frown at that question.

"Maybe she always had something against me. I always had a feeling Chrissy was dirty." I shrug my shoulders not really caring anymore.


I was sleep in my bed when I felt a nudge. My eyes opened and I sat up. I was the only one sleep at 12 noon.

"We have to go like now." She says urgently and I get up. I quickly put on a fresh pair of clothes and she takes me downstairs.

"What's going on?" I ask while we run to the basement.

"I'll tell you later just open the secret door." I open it and we go in.

"Now can you tell me what's wrong?" I say putting my hair into a bun.

"There was a unknown car that kept circling the house." I become more alert and scared. I knew someone was watching us damn.

"So what's going on-" I was cut off by hearing shots. I jump and turn off the lights in here.

"Sabrina...chill." Carmen says turning on some of the lights. Minutes went by then hours. Finally the gun shots had stopped and I heard footsteps.

"Carmen?" Charlie asked quietly.

I turned to her and put my index finger to my lips telling her to be quiet. You never know who else is on the other side with Charlie. Eventually the door opened and it was just Charlie.

"It's over..." He said holding his bloody arm.

"What happened to your arm?" Carmen asked running over to him holding him up.

"I got shot but i'm okay."

"Where's Grayson?" I ask looking around the basement for him.I saw Charlie frown and I knew something had happened.

My first instinct was to run upstairs and find him. Once I got up the steps you could smell the blood. I stepped over dead bodies wanting to throw up. I look around and see a black shirt.

"Grayson!" I yell.

His body is limp and his eyes are rolled back into his head. The red blood seeps from his chest and onto the floor. Tears fall from my eyes onto his shirt.

"I didn't even get to say goodbye." I whisper and cry even more.

My vision is blurry as I look up and see white. "Am I dead?" I ask myself. I feel like i'm dropping from the sky but I still don't know what's going on.


What the hell? Is that my alarm clock. I must have been dreaming. That annoying beeping is still going. I try to reach over and turn it off but my body is stiff. I can hear voices though.

"When is she ever going to wake up?" A feminine voice asks.

"Ms she'll wake up when she's ready." Im guessing that's the doctor. I could hear the door slam shut and open again.

"Sabrina you have to wake up. For your mom at least...It's been a hard couple of months without you." This mysterious person grabs my hand.I try so hard to squeeze my hand. I felt my finger tips move just a little.

"Doctor she just moved!" I heard this person yell and people run in.

"Sabrina if you can move your'e toe move it please." The doctor says and I move my big toe.

"Now I want you to open your eyes."

My eyelids are so heavy. I have to keep trying so I began to lift them only for them to close. I try about twenty times before they completely open. I see my mom, a doctor, Tasha, Carmen, Chrissy, and boys I don't recognize.

"Mom?" My voice comes out harsh and raspy. A nurse brings over some cold water and I take a sip.

"Oh my goodness. Thank the lord." My mom says before giving me a bone crushing hug.

I could see Tasha coming toward me and I freak out. She gave my information away along with Chrissy. I hate her.

"Leave me alone you bitch!" I yell at her throwing a tantrum.

"I'm going to have to ask you guys to go into the waiting room." The doctor says and everyone leaves except for my mom.

"Sabrina you need to calm down." My mom says rubbing my shoulder.

"No. She gave away my information and I was getting shot at." I say shaking my head. My mom shakes her head like she doesn't believe me.

"Sabrina do you understand that you were in a coma?" Doctor Jacobs asks as I read his name tag.

"No. How did this even happen?"

"You were driving back from Grayson's house after doing the project and the car crashed." My mom answers for me.

"So all this time I was dreaming. Everything from Tasha and Chrissy giving away my stuff to Grayson being in the mafia...was all a dream?"

"Yes. Everything you dreamed about was not real."


Sorry for the late update. I decided to switch up the story a lil bit. xoxo

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