Chapter 20: Admitting It

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Sabrina's POV *

I walked into the school with my white jeans and blue oxford shirt. My hair was in pigtails as I walked down the hall. Today was the day all sophomores would take the state test.

"I swear I was in room 81!" I hear someone yell from the office.

I just happened to walk by the office to put my book bag in my locker. The principal saw me and ushered me to come in. My floral blue flats hit the tile as I walked into the semi crowded lobby.

"Sabrina could you please show him the way to room 81, you're in that room right?" She asked fixing her hair.

"Sure." I say turning towards the teenage boy.

He turned around once he heard my voice. I flinched once he turned around. Grayson's eyes scanned over my face.

"Come on." I say walking out the office and into the hallway.

I could hear his footsteps follow after me. But not as loud as I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. I went to my locker in the process and walked into the classroom. Only a select of students were in here including Carmen.

I signed in and walked over to her. Grayson went off to his friends but I didnt mind.

"I know your still thinking about him." Carmen says and I snap back into reality.

"But he isn't thinking about me." I clear my head of him getting ready for the test.


It was now break time and almost ten in the morning. I was walking to the bathroom when I felt someone push me against the lockers. A hand is caressing my cheek and kissing my lips roughly. The familiar scent of Grayson filled my nose.

My eyes fluttered closed and I leaned into the kiss. I missed him and everything about him. The make out session was over before I knew it.

"I shouldn't have done that." Grayson says before walking the other way.

My fingers go to my mouth touching the last of him left on my lips. I walk to the bathroom and do my business. I was washing my hands when I looked into the mirror. My lips weren't there natural color they were a deep pink and swollen.

I splashed cold water on my face and tried to my my face look normal. I walked back to the room and sat in my seat.

"The test was about to start." Carmen says worried.

"I was held up but I made it just in time." I say biting my lip trying to keep myself from blushing.

"Wait are you telling me you and Grayson did some stuff?" She asks grabbing her pencil.

"No! All we did was like make out." We had to be quiet because the test were being pasted out again.

Soon I finished before everyone else. I sat and waited for everyone to finish. My paper sat on the teachers desk. I felt eyes at the back of my head. I turned my head and looked at Grayson.

His eyes scanned me. I met his eyes halfway and they seemed red. Something told me he was high. It was now close to pm when we were allowed to go.

I waited in the hallway for Grayson to come out of the classroom. He came out but walked as fast as he can to the parking lot.

"Grayson!" I yell at him to stop.

He walks even faster towards his car. I stop him from closing his door with my hand. We stare down each other for a minute before I speak up.

"Get up!" I say and he sighs before standing in front of me.

My hands fly up to his eyes looking into his pupils. His eyes are glossed over and dilated. I shake my head in disappointment.

"Are you high?" I ask.

"No." Gray says but I keep pushing.

"Don't lie to me!" I raise my voice a little.

"I am not high!" He raises his voice ten times higher.

I begin to walk away from him. I felt his arm pull me back. I come face to face to him. It looks like he wants to say something.

"You want to know why I'm high! It's because of you! It's all your fucking fault. I think about you everyday. Your smile, your laugh, just your presence makes me go ape shit! I can't be with you because the world's fucked up. I can't let it hurt you. You know what it doesn't matter." He says but I become furious.

"Are your serious! I was in a fucking coma fighting for my life but you stayed! You took me on dates and kissed me but you left! You rejected me in the hallway and I cried! I'll admit I was hurt. Overall everything we had was real and it's feels even more real when I'm with you. So after all this time you do matter and all this shit does fucking matter!" I say looking at him.

Grayson crashes his lips on mine once again in a rough manner. I lean into the kiss making it more intense. I pull back he rest his forehead against mine. He takes in deep breaths like it was his last time breathing air.

"I'm sorry." He say rocking me back and forth in a hug.

"Let's just start over." I say holding my hand out waiting for him to catch on.

"Hi I'm Grayson."

"Hi Grayson, I'm Sabrina." He sends me his flashy million dollar smile.


Sorry for mistakes and errors.

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